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Originally posted by Ghost of Lambeau:
Lattimore is a Junior this year so there is no guarantee he is coming out for the draft. Overall so far this year he is getting 88 yards per game and 4.78 yards per carry. Good enough for 48th among all RBs at DI-A.

A guy who is a Senior is 5-11, 190lb, Johnathan Franklin of UCLA. He has 139.4 yards per game and 7.49 yards per carry. Good enough for 4th among all RBs at DI-A.

4.78 ypc against SEC defenses. 7.49 ypc against Pac-12 defenses. Big difference! Someone had to say it.
Don't know anything about Franklin other than the stats Ghost posted. I've seen every game Lumberjack Joe and the Flapjack twins (very nice, Henry) have been in. He's the real deal. Will probably come out after this year, unless too many people put too much emphasis on the stats of a running back playing for the OBC and his stock drops.

And to prove I can stay on topic, Cedric Benson is Packer People.
I've been really surprised by Benson. I've been watching his locker room interviews since he signed, expecting to hear a real dummy or a thug, and he's actually not. Not saying he's a Norman Einstein, but he speaks clearly and intelligently without saying "ya know" or "umm" every other word. I was pleasantly surprised. I really thought all of his problems have been the result of, like several other NFL players, a lack of intelligence or common sense, but it's looking more and more like his problems have just been immaturity and poor decision making. From the interviews, which admittedly don't tell you everything you need to know about CedBen the person, he seems like he's matured and is trying to make the most out of what chances he has left. Glad to have him in GB.
Originally posted by Henry:
I'm pretty sure he has matured over the course of the dumb, lazy crap he pulled in the past. With that said, you're still a racist.

Says the dum dum with an avatar making fun of Otters. Speciest.
Brandt was tweeting last night during the ESPN 30for30 "Broke".

One of big problems is people think $1M means $1M. After taxes, agent fees, taking care of family/friends, looks more like $300,000.

I remember telling a young player to write a check. He had no idea what I was talking about, had never written one. Taught him how.

Saw a player's credit card bill, had a $3500 charge to a pet shop. He said he "had to have the air-conditioned doghouse." (this had to be Jervey)

Always tell players: "It's not what you make; it's what you keep." Few listen, most do not.

Players talk to each other mostly about two things: women and money, in no specific order.

One of biggest problems is their crews. These hangers-on would often be the ones getting in trouble more than them.

Andre Rison created some interesting stories during his short time in Green Bay, can imagine what he did elsewhere.

Rison got a car in exchange for tickets. When he left GB, he just left the car at the airport and got on a plane. Never left word.

I got to know the Repo man in Green Bay very well; came to Lambeau to seize several cars over the years.

Had a Packer player whose homie kept getting him in trouble. I brought the kid in and said "What do you do? You need to leave."

Problem for agents is that when they tell players they can't buy what they want, they end up as their ex-agents.

First indicator of potential financial problems is # of people in the picture at the Draft. More people, less future money.

Now subject is women. Yikes. Watched players spend way too much time balancing different women, tickets, location, rooms,etc.

Once had a Packer player excused from practice for the birth of his child in two consecutive weeks. Busy guy.

Once made a player see me to get his check. It was zeroed out due to garnishments, child support. Told him he had to change. He did.
Yesterday on L.A. sports talk radio Mikal Thompson (ex-Laker) was saying he handles his son's (Klay Thompson on Golden State Warriors) money. Klay's salary is $2.2M with about $1.2M left after taxes.

Mikal said that Klay has to live off $75K/year like any other recent college graduate would have to and the rest goes in the bank/investments.
Originally posted by Hungry5:
Brandt was tweeting last night during the ESPN 30for30 "Broke".

Which is why "the league" keeps these stories quiet. Anyone expecting a "tell all" about anyone is dreaming because there's too many skeletons in everyone's closets to open that can of worms.
With all due respect, why would the league publicize these stories?

I think these stories are part of the reason the owners drive such a hard bargain in CBA negotiations. The owners have a great respect for the value of a dollar and it must drive them nuts to cut a check and then watch players fritter it away.
Originally posted by Coach:
Think you could get one more cliche' in that sentence, Hersh?


I just take it one post at a time and, the good lord willin', I'll have another opportunity to post and be ready for it. It's a long season and I gotta keep workin' all the way through. Smiler

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