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With the exception of pass defense, I'm pretty satisfied with the starters; they look good to go. In spite of giving up big plays, red zone defense has been awesome! But that's not a trend I want to see.

Agree with other remarks regarding defensive depth. The fly in that ointment is going to be injury, though. Depending on severity, we may need a first year guy to be the next man up.

Baffled by rush blocking. We started out with a little fire, but it soon fizzled. To the point of going backwards! After early-to-mid 2nd quarter, OL run blocking was non-existent.

Pass protection is decent-to good, however. I really like Barclay at RT and Daktari at LT and hope the coaches go with this 'til it don't work. They need the time to prepare for SF. And if our RB's do nothing else, they can definitely pick up the rush.

I can't see backup QB being anything but a crapshoot at this point. VY's ability to scramble may literally give him a leg up. It's hard to believe Harrell could be jettisoned after all this time, but his lack of consistency is killing him.

Not sure what to make of Starks not getting action. My eyes are telling me Green is running better, but depending on what is up with Harris' knee, Starks may be holding on by a thread.

Ditto for kicker. Do we keep Tavecchio another week?

I don't know if the Seahawks are the new "golden boys". Time will tell once we get into the regular season.


I do know Wilson is a pretty damn good QB. Got all the hot reads & did a nice job finding the mis-match vs. the Packers.


I still expect to see a lot of tipped balls from Wilson but he studies hard & watched all of Drew Brees so that may help him. His delivery is so weird though. I keep thinking/expecting him to fail but doesn't look like it will happen.


I would really like it if none of our first or 2nd stringers played next week

Harrell is a poor man's Doug Pedersen.  


Vince Young may drop steaming turds on games that make Bert Faver's worst bed-crappings seem like Monets if he has to play a few games.  He also still has the juice to maybe win you a game or two that they shouldn't if he keeps his dumdum head out of his ass.


He's no worse than Harrell now, but Harrell isn't going to get you through 3-4 games. Young is at least physically tallanted enough and has a good enough QB coach to potentially keep things afloat.  


If the unthinkable does happen, GB is probably screwed either way.  At least Young would give them a puncher's chance.

Watched the game with my bro at Lambeau.  Might have been one of the nicest weather games I have ever been to.  Absolutely perfect. 


A few observations: 


Seattle is a really good team and their OL and DL surprised me given they aren't all exactly household names.  That being said, they are chippy and mouthy and that got old last night with all the penalties 


Wilson made a few bad throws but he made some plays most QBs don't.  He should have been sacked a few more times and completed a few passes under pressure that made you go WOW 


Early on the Packers run D was very good.  Lynch is one big mofo and Seattle has some talent at RB. 


Masthay was awesome - guy can flat out kick 


Hayward just has a nose for the ball and they are a much better D when he is in there because you can't teach instincts 


Jolly continues to show up and play and he's going to help this team 


Was not impressed with the OL play but I think Seattle's front 7 deserves some credit too.  Lacy had nowhere to go. 


Harrell was awful but what else is new 



Originally Posted by antiworst:



2) The offensive line just plain sucks. With all of the concern about the tackles and the center, the guards aren't anything to write home about. Time to spend the next couple of years focusing on this area.



...I know that the ZBS is used by nearly every team in the league, but we just must not have: 1) The lineman to execute it  or 2) The coaching staff to teach it. People have argued on this site that we had respectable rushing numbers last season, but in terms of RUNNING BACKS yards gained we were 7th to last. Our best hope is that, like last season, teams will overcommit to stopping our pass game & this will give Lacy some room to run. It does not look like we will be able to run the ball when the defense is playing "run".  

..on the bright side, I thought our defense, especially our dline played really well. A lot of winning 1 on 1 matchups. Defense is definitely going to be better this season, more talent. Getting Nelson & Cobb back will help our offense, but we can not afford injuries on oline. As much as our starters didn't look great, our backups were completely  overwhelmed by Seattle's rotational dlineman.  

Did anyone notice when GB pulled the starting OL for the 2's? Was it late in the 1st quarter or early 2nd? It was painful to watch the 2's against Seattles starting front 7. Van Roten looked way overmatched. Lacy had no where to run.


I couldn't understand why GB went pass happy on their opening drive. 8 pass / 2 runs. All the passing made sense after MM went to Harrell for the second drive. Harris didn't look bad on his 2 runs on that opening drive. H5 makes a good point that a team is going to crowd the line if AR isn't playing.


thought the starting D played really well. Perry was disruptive. Hyde still looks like a guy that should be playing safety. He's going to be good. I think Seattle has just as many concerns with their OL as GB. Starting OL did a good job of protecting AR on the opening drive. Rough night for special teams. Coverage and penalties weren't good.


Mixed bag from Finley. The fourth down pass in the end zone is a tough catch but he should make that. The seam pass from Harrell (one of Harrell's better throws) that he dropped was bad. The fumbles by Boykin and Stoneburner were horrible. Glad to see Quarless back on the field. 

Originally Posted by antiworst:

"If the unthinkable does happen, GB is probably screwed either way.  At least Young would give them a puncher's chance."


Yes, but if you only need him for a couple weeks, like you say, at least you feel like you have a chance.

No brainer to me. Need to keep Young as the backup. Also, if some QB is cut next week who has had some experience in "real" NFL games, they should bring him in as well and ditch the BJ experiment. Next year they need to draft someone in the mid rounds to groom.

I don't know, Tdog, because the Bears don't hit at ALL in practice. Ankles and knees are just bad luck and are going to happen, but all of these muscle pulls makes me think something isn't right. I don't know if it's a stretching thing, an overall training thing, a diet issue...I don't know. But year after year there seems to be an inordinate amount of "flexibility type" injuries in Green Bay. I like Henry's idea of yoga. Seriously.

Originally Posted by antiworst:
Originally Posted by CAPackfan:

Well this isn't good


Casey Hayward left with a hamstring injury....same hamstring that kept him out most of camp.


Brad Jones and Morgan Burnett also injured their hamstring. DuJuan Harris injured the same knee that kept him out early in camp

After a few years of this it isn't just bad luck. Something's not right. This is ridiculous.


I am thinking the same thing. This has been a trend. Hamstring injuries should be avoided. There is training that can help with this. No?

Just finishing teh game on DVR. Lacy looks good, Van Roten looks really inexperienced at Center and Newhouse looks terrible. Banjo looked pretty good and probably is a priority for the Practice Squad as the numbers are likely against him. 


Harrell wasn't good but got no help from his line or receivers either. If Ross doesn't win the return job he's probably gone also.Kuhn even botched a punt protection.

Per the NFL's rule tome... err... book.


Page 57, Paragraph 190, sub-paragraph 235, section A, sub-section A-23, Sub-Sub-section A-23-135 States:


If a defensive player's right thumb comes in contact with any part of the QB's number this is a violation of Section 4571, sub-paragraph 401, Section Z, sub-section Z-65,712, sub-sub-section Z-65,712-981,452 which states: QB's are not to be touched. This is in accordance with the prime directive of turning the NFL into a sport of pussies.


Last edited by Shoeless Joe

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