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Originally Posted by The Ref fka Blair Kiel:

Fans chanting, "Where is Roger?"



While I don't wish hurt on anyone, if Pats fans were caught in a blast furnace I wouldn't shed a tear. They make Queens fans seem almost tolerable.



Last edited by Herschel

Belichick trolls everybody. The guy's balls are made of titanium. C*********g cheater. From

This is the kind of stuff that happens to the visiting team in Gillette Stadium all the time. From the start of the game through the opening 14 minutes of the first quarter, the Steelers’ coaches’ headsets were receiving the Patriots Radio Network broadcast of the game. The broadcast was so loud that the Steelers coaches were unable to communicate, and the NFL rule is that if one team’s headsets are not working the other team is supposed to be forced to take their headsets off. It’s what the NFL calls the Equity Rule. Strangely enough, whenever an NFL representative proceeded to the New England sideline to shut down their headsets, the Steelers headsets cleared. Then as the representative walked away from the New England sideline, the Steelers’ headsets again started to receive the Patriots game broadcast.

[last item: ]

Last edited by ilcuqui

It is merely a coincidence. Nothing to see here. Move along.


You want to fix the issue? Take away draft picks for every game in which there is a headset issue at Gillette. That will end the issue. These guys have never won anything legitimately. I am starting to think that without cheating, Belichick is a lot closer to the coach we saw in Cleveland than this multi Super Bowl guy.


 I am starting to think that without cheating, Belichick is a lot closer to the coach we saw in Cleveland than this multi Super Bowl guy.


Lots of evidence to support this belief.



Originally Posted by Dr._Bob:

Rommel built his reputation off of his military success when he was working with stolen signals.  Once he didn't have that, he was ordinary.

In Rommel's book "Infantry Attacks" he also promotes "knowing the enemy's strength and weaknesses as well as using deception. Teams that play NE should self scout well. NE defense knew that PIT had a certain cadence count and would shift during it to throw them off for a false start.

I'm just surprised the NFL has looked into this.  They have to track complaints by venue and unless Foxboro has an average number of complaints, how is this not looked into?  Now the problem is that Goodell will start an investigation that will take 3 years, cost $100m and uncover nothing b/c they're idiots.  


What would I do if the Pats number of headset complaints is an outlier?  Tell the Pats they've been warned and any further malfunctions will be penalized via fine - first cash fines and eventually draft picks.  No investigation, just tell them that, with the amount of money in this league, malfunctions on game day are unacceptable.  All fines will be made with limited investigation as to why the malfunction occurred, only to verify it did actually occur. 

MM's Press Conference Friday: (On headset communication) I think any time you compete in this league long enough there are things that go wrong and you adjust. It's definitely not the first time it's happened in a game and I'm sure it won't be the last.



If the Patriots really did mess with the headset frequencies in this opening game, it is their most defiant and ballsy act yet to actually try something like that after everything that's come out about them during the offseason.


I want to believe it's an accident, but with the Patriots, you have to be skeptical that ANYTHING in that stadium is an accident. 



It doesn't matter if they did or didn't.  Their credibility is gone and the only way they are going to get it back is with some serious payback for the times they did cheat.  They need to be punished so people can start believing in football again.  They are hurting the sport. 


Originally Posted by Hungry5:

I stood on top of a 14k' peak in Colorado and called my wife from my mobile, yet the multi-billion $$ NFL can't get clean communications week in and week out?

Couldn't have said it better myself.  We can talk to someone on the other side of the world with a couple hundred dollar cell phone and $70/month service, but the billion dollar NFL can't figure out how to have clear communication in the same building?  I just don't buy it.  It's either cheating or incompetence.  

Originally Posted by PackerPatrick:

MM's Press Conference Friday: (On headset communication) I think any time you compete in this league long enough there are things that go wrong and you adjust. It's definitely not the first time it's happened in a game and I'm sure it won't be the last.




Right, but why does it ALWAYS happen to the visiting team in Foxboro?


If I'm going into Foxboro, I would absolutely have my own headset communication on a secure channel. It's insane man. The Steelers are irate & I don't blame them.

Has anyone ever investigated Brady's salary?  He's giving the Patriots about a $13 million discount ($9 million salary this year, $8 million next year) and has been for a number of years.  I don't care how much money his wife makes, nobody is giving up over $50 million just to help improve the team.


The only QBs making less money than Brady are guys on their rookie deals (Andrew Luck, Teddy Bridgewater) or journeyman scrubs like Drew Stanton, Shaun Hill and other castoffs.  

Last edited by The GBP Rules

I thought I read somewhere that it's like Bobby Bonilla, the Pats are going to be paying him around 1M for the next 15-20 years.  


The NHL recently got rid of that type of structure, where you just backload it, and then restructure it out for 15 years, and basically your always pushing a bit of it out.  From the players standpoint, it's like an annuity, so I would think they don't care that they are getting the $$ up front, since they'll get a check every year for 15 years after they retire.  


That type of money should help reseal the pool, and get a good cover.    

Why can't teams bring their own communications equipment? Seems simple enough in this day and age.


If these "glitches" happen only in Foxboro, or happens more there than other stadiums, it's pretty obvious where the problem lies. I wouldn't bet on the first, but I would bet the farm on the second. It's just that pesky "proving it" loophole that the Cheats are exploiting...

Another reason why BB showed respect toward MM after their game last year.


You know that the Packers didn't "jam" the Pats headsets during that game. It was simply mano-a-mano.


I'm going to beat you straight up MF'er!

I've always thought that Brady and Kraft were able to do the so-called hometown discount and hence gain cap room because, sub rosa, they had a handshake agreement that, after he retires, Brady would start collecting on some sort of "personal services" deal not unlike that Mark Murphy offered Brent to stay retired. Wasn't that like $20 million for 10 years or some such amount? None of which counts against the cap.


Since his hometown discount was so large Brady's deal would eclipse that. Plus Kraft could get Tommy Boy to be "elected" to God knows how many corporate boards and invited to make beaucoup paid speeches to industry, using all the Kraft connections.

Last edited by ilcuqui

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