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CM is a very good player, but he'll always put himself before team. That's why he'll only be OK playing inside as long as he gets his sacks.


Does Clay's response as to why he didn't play much in 4th quarter of the NFC Championship game bother you?
"I had to do what's in the best interests of not only the team, but I've got to take care of No. 1."


I don't care about the critics


How hard was it for you to be on the sidelines in the fourth quarter of the NFC Championship Game?

Matthews: It was difficult. You obviously want to be out there, but I had to do what was in the best interests of my body at that point. It is what it is. I always like to think I can have a hand in determining the outcome of games, and to see that lead fall when you're on the sideline, it doesn't feel good. But it's part of the game. Guys get injured, and they bounce back.


What happened?

Matthews: It wasn't one play. It was a while ago, but it was a bunch of things catching up to me. That's what I've said since the game. It was a bunch of little things. It was knee. It was hip. I took that hit on the sack in which I had. I had a big hit on the tight end coming across the middle. It was a bunch of little stuff and that point, I didn't feel confident putting myself out there. I had to do what's in the best interests of not only the team, but I've got to take care of No. 1.

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that's not impressive.  check your gut pal, you have to know you were better than the walking dead out there - reminds me of the rams sb run when farr came out of the game at a critial moment because he was gassed or something and vermeil looks at him and says ' you are coming out now? -- man...'

A  few points...


Think what you want about Richard Sherman. But the dude played with one 1 arm in the 4th Q. Hurt it bad enough he couldn't even lift it the damn thing. Kept playing.


IIRC it was Kam Chancellor who also ripped his labrum in half in that game then required off season surgery. Kept playing anyway.


Aaron Rodgers is playing on one leg and in that game was noticeably at times in pain. Played anyway and did everything IMO he could to help his team win.


CMIII is getting paid a FU** ton of money to suck it up and go out there. Did he really think AJ Hawk or Brad Jones was better then him even at less than 100 percent?


Lastly, a big F you to Winston Moss as well. This is where your Asst. Head Coach needs to walk over to Clay and essentially let him know he's the team leader on D. He's getting paid a ton of money. It's the NFCC. Now GTF out there, stop being a pu$$y and play.


Come on man!!!!

Last edited by packerboi

I can never speak to whether or not an athlete should be on the field toughing out an injury. Some instances sure look like things other guys would play through, but that's not my call to make.


I can say with certainty that he gave a horrible response to the question.

Wow, just lost a ton of respect for him.  Maybe his "leadership" is part of the reason this D has been so soft.  When he is on the field, the guy plays viciously. but this is just.... disappointing. 


Probably stems from his hand injury, but still, no bueno. 

Last edited by BrainDed

Clay's answers, as written, read as arrogant and 'cocky'. Seems to be out of character to me. The 'take care of number one' quote is puzzling; almost like it's missing context.


My question would be if he is taking himself out of games because of fatigue or injury, who monitors his condition? I can understand coming out of a game for either reason, but the timing is questionable. If he's on a ragged edge, why not get some R & R earlier in the quarter?


In the end, I think he's right as far as one player alone shouldn't determine the performance of his team. He should be able to get some regular rotation during games without the defense crumbling. But I sure as hell expect him to be on the field at critical moments, and that's the whole purpose of rotation, IMO.



I wonder if losing Kevin Greene has allowed him to be less accountable when it comes to injury. I feel like he had injuries while Greene was here, but nothing this bad. Gotta have team guys who are committed to winning. If it's a severe injury (like Woodson's broken collar bone), but Clays injury couldn't have been that severe because he eventually went back in and then played in the PB.

It's not Clay's fault we lost, a lot of things went wrong and a lot of fluke plays happened, but it doesn't make this less frustrating.

What GD said. In contrast to the two Seahawk defenders mentioned above who played with BRUTAL injuries, his sitting on the sidelines while AJ Hawk gave one of his most embarrassing performances ever is a real head scratcher.

When Mathews plays, he plays like a maniac. He has had injuries that dramatically effected his play and missed time accordingly. He could very well have thought his poor performance related to injury would not be helpful.

AJ Hawk on the other hand, rarely missed a snap, but played woefully at times due to his injuries.

Originally Posted by Goalline:

Yeah, I have to admit it. I don't care for Clay. I've heard too much crappie(autocorrect, what the hell is a crappie?) about him. He is a jerk. Still, if he sacks the QB...

I was so ashamed to feel the same way I never mentioned it.


Definitely not old school.


Pretty boy.

Too much Hollywood can screw you up.  It was starting to go on before that game. Distracted by the cameras, it seemed like.  Preening for the camera instead of focusing on the game.


Why I liked the move to ILB.  It seemed to humble him down a little and made him focus.


The guy is great.  For some guys, it's best if they don't know it so much.

Last edited by Pistol GB


 " Of course !"


"Nice pitchfork old man !"

" Aye, The hunting in Salem is spec-a-tacular this time of year "




"They're frying him now ! "



Woooooooooo !

Originally Posted by Goalline:

Yeah, I have to admit it. I don't care for Clay. I've heard too much crappie(autocorrect, what the hell is a crappie?) about him. He is a jerk. Still, if he sacks the QB...

Well, there are White Crappies and then there are Black Crappies.

Very disappointing, #52. You already got your paycheck.

Guess that's why there was never a released diagnosis after the game. You looked GREAT in the Pro Bowl, though. So there's that. GREAT timing too, BTW.
Last edited by Coach
Originally Posted by The Ref fka Blair Kiel:
Originally Posted by Goalline:

Yeah, I have to admit it. I don't care for Clay. I've heard too much crappie(autocorrect, what the hell is a crappie?) about him. He is a jerk. Still, if he sacks the QB...

I was so ashamed to feel the same way I never mentioned it.


Definitely not old school.


Pretty boy.

So, wanna get together to work on our sack dance? I use it every time Clay gets Cutler.

Originally Posted by Esox:
Originally Posted by Goalline:

Yeah, I have to admit it. I don't care for Clay. I've heard too much crappie(autocorrect, what the hell is a crappie?) about him. He is a jerk. Still, if he sacks the QB...

Well, there are White Crappies and then there are Black Crappies.

As usual, no Asian Crappies.

All he really needed to say was he felt he would hurt the team due to his injury and instead he came across about as poorly as possible. It was pretty telling last year when Peppers and Burnett were named playoff defensive captains. When healthy, he's a great player but there are leadership questions present.

Today is about play makers vs when CMIII's heirs played it was grind it out and be tougher.  Unfortunate if Clay picks his spots and times.  I blame Uncle Ted and Roger and Jerruh and TV and cell phones and Al Gore/Innernet and finally Obama.

The comment wasn't great, but it's his business, heck, his life on the line. From a practical standpoint, they should all be looking out for themselves.


Of course we'd rather they look out for our interests.



Gabe Wilkins, anyone?  Ugh.


I've said for awhile that Clay's leadership does not match up to his huge contract.  If you get that much cash you need to be a leader.  I wish Peppers would have smacked Clay upside the head and told him to quit whining.


When you look at the Seahawks who played hurt you know the team that wanted it more won that day.  Boy, is that painful to say.

Based on what I've been told, a sore vagina can be very limiting. Or maybe he had a headache?



CM3 seems to go all out for every play he's on the field. If he needed a break at that point, then he needed it. The timing sucked, but if he doesn't take that breather does Bostick do his job on the on-side kick? Does HaHa attack that floater better? Does the offense do more with the 5 turnovers?



Originally Posted by RushRunner:

Gabe Wilkins, anyone?  Ugh.


I've said for awhile that Clay's leadership does not match up to his huge contract.  If you get that much cash you need to be a leader.  I wish Peppers would have smacked Clay upside the head and told him to quit whining.


He's paid to make plays, period. I don't care if he translates Tolstoy to Swahili rather than trying to hold impromptu pep rallies and yell at teammates so long as he makes plays.


And You may want to find a better example of someone with more of a "moral high ground" than Peppers' rep. If only they hadn't gotten rid of A.J. Hawk! Er, wait....

Originally Posted by bubbleboy789:

tbh, Matthews shouldn't even be playing ILB in the first place. Coaches obviously know best but I never liked the idea of moving our best defensive player out of position.

Disagree. Our defense improved and Clay became more unpredictable after they moved him. 

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