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brealistic says: Oct 11, 2011 8:03 AM

To the loyal Colt nation, invest your money.
Come and see us SUCK 4 Luck, Like it or not that’s or GOAL.
Why would any owner make a statement with so many games left to play..
I really don't think they are tanking it. It seems like that would be tough to do in the NFL. I just think they are an old team on the decline who lost their best player, offensive coordinator and Hall of Fame QB which leaves them with not much.
I mentioned this HERE

I don't believe for 1 second any COACHING staff would tank it (They'd be out of a job forever) but I can certainly see ownership talking to the GM and mentioning it behind closed doors. (Irsay talking to Polian for instance).

FYI, Polians son is a coach on Stanford's staff. Polian knows everything about Andrew Luck. Someone please explain to me why the Colts didn't do something about their QB position. (Kolb, maybe a trade for Matt Flynn, etc.) They could've acquired SOMEONE other than Kerry Collins (Are you kidding me?). They're purposely tanking this season (Irsay & Polian only) to try and get Luck. I've been convinced of it since week #3
Makes sense to me. I'm sure Oliver Luck would prefer to see his son have the option of riding the pine for a few years soaking up all he can from Peyton rather than getting his brains beaten in like Alex Smith and others did (that presumes of course that Manning can come back next season).

The money will be there as the #1 pick regardless, and the Aaron Rodgers' precedent will loom large as well.

Didn't know about Polian's son being on Stanford's staff. Hmmmmm. No collusion here!

I can see the upper management tanking. I cannot see the staff or the players. Just like for the Spurs when Robinson went down and the got Duncan as a result. It is convenient for the Colts that it happened this way.

There is no rule that says he has to come out this year. He is a redshirt junior. Wouldn't that be a pisser for them or whomever gets that pick?
While I don't believe the league would assist in a teams success or road to success, their inaction in some recent events paints a different picture. Having the #1 overall pick go to a team that gives that player the best chance to succeed is best for the league. The team that benefits from that is just extra. All this points to the Colts. Agree with Boris that the coaches and players won't tank, but owner and GM can do or not do things to support their goal/agenda.
Yeah, as many of us said before it can be summed up in two words: Kerry Collins. That team has gotten old and beaten up and desperately needs an influx of young talent. Luck and having picks at the start of each round would give them a lot of room to work. Two good drafts would make a HUGE difference on that team.
Too early in the year for teams to tank it, too much reputation and jobs are on the line. Wait until the last game or two things we may see some teams tanking it. How many remember 1988, that year going into the last game of the season the Packers had the leagues worst record followed by the Cowgirls. The Packers won their game and the Girls lost theirs. That Dallas –Phil game is the one time I felt sure I saw an NFL team tank it. Dallas draft Akmen with the 1st chooce. Guess who the Packers took with the 2nd pick.
Originally posted by Boris:
They could've acquired SOMEONE other than Kerry Collins (Are you kidding me?). This edited quote brought to you by "Citizens for Silent Killer Awareness"

David Garrard too. Not great, but certainly better than Collins.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
As others have said, I can't see the coaches or the players (especially the player) tank the season, but I absolutely could see Polian tanking it. If I were in his shoes I'd do the same thing. I'd gladly lose a few extra games in an otherwise lost season if I meant stability at the QB position for another 15 years.

Movie idea: Polian and Irsay play the antagonists trying to get the Colts as many losses as possible to land Luck. The only person standing in their way: Curtis Painter, who refuses to throw in the towel. Include a late season montage where Peyton starts personally training Curtis to help him improve. Movie ends with Painter leading the Colts to back-to-back wins at the end of the season, giving the Colts at 2-14 record and Miami the #1 pick.

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