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More stadium violence. This time a Marine notices a Cowboys fan in his row refusing to stand up and remove his hat for the National Anthem. On the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 no less. Words are exchanged and at haltime a fight erupts. The Cowboy fan pulls a taser and starts using it. Cowboy fan arrested for illegal weopon among other things.


Cowboy Fan Uses Taser in Stadium

Interesting comments by fans below the article.

Edit: I get to at least one Packer game a year and have to admit the "pat down" on the way in is pretty useless. Cuz I know if I did want to get something illegal into the game it would be real easy. So I can see how a fan can get an illegal Taser into a game without much difficulty.
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Ryan has used that language before to incite violence against opposing fans. The league needs to hit him hard with a stiff fine.

That Cowboys fan needs to move to Peru, Chad or some other 3rd wworld sh1t hole. He will remember to take hat off after that.
He will remember to take hat off after that.

real home of the free and freedom of expression there...

Bob Dylan said it best: patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings

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