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these Mets hitters are good medicine for any pitcher (they don't strike out that much though).  


Scooter might benefit from the same 6 game hiatus that Aram took.  

Can you say that Lohse 'flushed' the Mets on 2 hits for 8 innings?  He was on the corners and down in the zone most of the night.


Colon just peppers the strike zone and that was the perfect recipe for a 1st pitch swinging team like the Crew.


Originally Posted by GBfaninMN:

That catch was so awesome......kinda reminds me of that catch Robin Yount caught, going the other way, but still a way cool catch.    

You know what?


That was tougher than Robin's catch---I always thought Robin put a bit of "flourish" into his.

If I remember correctly, didn't Robin say on some highlight video from the 87' season or something that he slowed down a bit on the fly ball so the catch would be a more dramatic ending ? That would have been horrible if he ended up dropping it.  

Garza be tubthumping

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