Okay, everyone get it out of your system before the game starts so you don't jinx the damn game.
Oh and fill all your holes too.
Okay, everyone get it out of your system before the game starts so you don't jinx the damn game.
Oh and fill all your holes too.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Vikings signing Kirkland Cuzins was their dagger.
IF (no jinxy) the Packers win I'm turning this into the Rubechat asylum thread. We can keep them all in here so we make sure they aren't criminals first.
Henry - did you mean this as a thread when the Chargers clinched it? Maybe you were just thinking ahead to jinx them?
Probably the dagger. Just not the way we expected.
This thread:
I think the word "dagger" should just be permanently banned.
I heard if you say "dagger" three times in a row while looking in a mirror you'll return to the 1980's.
This was some serious bad ju-ju trolling Hank. Stealing Jobu's rum level shit.
I'm just thankful no one got seriously hurt.
This thread should be tied to today's game tape.
It should be used to tie Hank to a chicken for a death match in the stadium rest room.
I'll whip that chicken's ass.
Henry posted:I'll tap that chicken's ass.
We are in the men's bathroom.
Don't get cocky. It could be a trap game.
Henry posted:We are in the men's bathroom.
You must be referring to cock fighting, not chickens.