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@Pakrz posted:

I was told if you live long enough as a male you will very likely get prostate cancer.  My dad is 78 and has had it for about 7 or 8 years now.  His treatment is to just monitor it.  Doctor said he will die with cancer, not because of it.

I'm 53 and have had regular PSA tests for years.  About a month ago the PSA was high.  The doctor did a DRE (Finger in the butt) and there were no lesions or lumps.  Next up was a MRI that comes back with something called a PIRAD score between 1-5.  1 or 2 means no cancer present.  4 or 5 means cancers present.  A 3 means we don't know...  So I of course got a 3.  The good news from the MRI is that whatever is there, if anything,  hasn't spread to bones, organs, etc.  

Ironically, here in about 4 hours I'll be on a fucking table getting a prostate biopsy.  Can't wait for that!  Results in 1 to 2 weeks I'm told.  

Geezโ€ฆ.you might need your own thread. Good luck on your biopsy.

My PSA reading was 21, that's very bad. Fortunately a CT scan and a Bone scan showed it had not spread to the bones or lymph nodes. But it was a close call as the prostate biopsy showed very advanced cancer. In perspective, my radiation treatments (5 days a week, for 9 weeks) per the radiology folks was one of the longer ones for prostate cancer. The guy whose appointment just before mine only had 5 weeks of radiation for his prostate cancer.

@Pakrz posted:

I was told if you live long enough as a male you will very likely get prostate cancer.  My dad is 78 and has had it for about 7 or 8 years now.  His treatment is to just monitor it.  Doctor said he will die with cancer, not because of it.

I'm 53 and have had regular PSA tests for years.  About a month ago the PSA was high.  The doctor did a DRE (Finger in the butt) and there were no lesions or lumps.  Next up was a MRI that comes back with something called a PIRAD score between 1-5.  1 or 2 means no cancer present.  4 or 5 means cancers present.  A 3 means we don't know...  So I of course got a 3.  The good news from the MRI is that whatever is there, if anything,  hasn't spread to bones, organs, etc.  

Ironically, here in about 4 hours I'll be on a fucking table getting a prostate biopsy.  Can't wait for that!  Results in 1 to 2 weeks I'm told.  

That doesnโ€™t sound like fun. Hoping for the best.

@Pikes Peak posted:

Who his brother is or if he is kind of out there is not relevant, the article brings up some things to think about as we age.  Thatโ€™s all.



Thought provoking. I guess because I spent 30 years in medical sales in nursing homes (a beyond sad way to leave the world) Iโ€™ve come to be of the belief that nobody wanted or planned to go out that way, but our innate  โ€œwill to liveโ€ keeps us going, as shitty as that living is.

Last edited by Blair Kiel

I have always been a workaholic.  The kinda guy that has to be forced to take vacation.  About 6 years ago I collapsed in a board meeting.  They called an ambulance and hauled me out in a stretcher.  

I learned a big lesson that day.  Most of this stuff is not that important and I need to take care of myself.  Life is short and itโ€™s best to not take things too seriously and learn to enjoy the little things.

Just my 2 cents on the meaning of life.

@Blair Kiel posted:



Thought provoking. I guess because I spent 30 years in medical sales in nursing homes (a beyond sad way to leave the world) Iโ€™ve come to be of the belief that nobody wanted or planned to go out that way, but our innate  โ€œwill to liveโ€ keeps us going, as shitty as that living is.

Which is why one's choice of football teams is so important to quality of life.  Poor Viking fans.  ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

@Dave in GA posted:

I am in NO shape to exercise!

i have cardiac rehab three days a week. Today I went in and my 1st blood pressure before I started was 140 over 80...after 35 minutes of cardio my blood pressure was 160 over 72, after another 20 minutes of weight training and stretching my final blood pressure was 122 over 60. The tech said my body loves exercise. Pfft! My body must not be connected to my brain cause the brain hates it.

Last edited by Floridarob

I had cardio rehab 2 days a week. I worked at the hospital so I knew all the girls in there. They had this thingy where you sat in a chair and spun 2 handles in a circle that had adjustable resistance. Hated that thing. I told them that when it was time to junk it I wanted it. So they ask what for as they knew I didn't like it. I told them I was going to tie it to the bumper of my truck and drag it down the road until there was nothing left.

@Packiderm posted:

I had cardio rehab 2 days a week. I worked at the hospital so I knew all the girls in there. They had this thingy where you sat in a chair and spun 2 handles in a circle that had adjustable resistance. Hated that thing. I told them that when it was time to junk it I wanted it. So they ask what for as they knew I didn't like it. I told them I was going to tie it to the bumper of my truck and drag it down the road until there was nothing left.

lol, they have one of those things in my room but they have not put me on it. I do not like the look of it. I could do the treadmil, air bike and recumbent bike for days but they put me on free weights and i hate them. But I did not like free weights when I was in my 30s much less now. i am halfway thru my program where they say I am going to be on an incline of 10 and a speed of 3 miles an hour. I don't see that happening unless I am getting a new heart between now and them or unless I can pay someone to be me and do it in my place.

Tom Robbins taught me long ago the wisdom of:  being lighthearted

Mama T of PBB on their new CD sings me "we're only here for a moment, a blink of eye"

divorce taught me:  love yourself, can't love no one else if you don't love yourself

love, joy, laughter, man, grab all you can and think on them often

I think it was Buscaglia that taught me:  you paint your own picture and in you go

my heart goes out of rhythm for 24-36 hours at a time several times a month. finally had it checked out with a doc this year.  he said I'm a young 58 and the heart's strong, just gotta monitor.  I asked him why it goes out of rhythm.  he said we never know, which surprised me...

(now I gotta get back in my cave and lurk)

@Tdog posted:

Mama T of PBB on their new CD sings me "we're only here for a moment, a blink of eye"

I've been aware of the time going by
They say, in the end, it's the wink of an eye
When the morning light comes streaming in
You'll get up and do it again, Amen

Jackson Brownโ€ฆ.The Pretender

Where does it go? The good Lord only knows
Seems like it was just the other day

Billy Joe Shaverโ€ฆ..Honkey TonknHeroes

So, I'll try to keep a long story short. A coworker of mine found out he was riddled with cancer...was given 2 years to live. He sent an Email to all of us at work stressing the fact to have your doctor do the "finger check" of the prostrate. His doctor did not do it and relied on the blood test. The blood test always said he was fine..until he wasnt. He has since had a treatment in Germany that isn't allowed here in the States and he is now cancer free. Pretty much amazed he is doing so well. Stay healthy everyone.

Last edited by Dave in GA

15 yrs ago I was taking two generic meds because of an enlarged prostate. Eventually they stopped being effective.
10 yrs ago I had a surgery called a green laser TURP which meant a gizmo that's a combined laser/camera inserted through the penis to blast out flesh from the inside of the prostrate to shrink it.
It worked great! Told the doc that if I was still in WI I could write my name in the snow. (IN CURSIVE)

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