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One of my pet peeves is having our first-round picks unsigned when training camp starts, as they need the work more than the vets, obviously.  Time and time again it seems that delays in signing equal delays in their progress and contributions to the team.




Packers defensive end Datone Jones, the 26th pick, also is unsigned.  The specific holdup isn’t known, but there’s a chance the two sides are haggling over a fourth-year training-camp reporting bonus, which the 27th selection (Texans receiverDeAndre Hopkins) obtained.


HELP! I’m being held against my will. I only have a few seconds befor

Last edited by packerboi
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Schaap, that is part of their job, but that's also why they should all be shot.


Seriously?  A fourth year training camp reporting bonus?  If Datone outperforms his current contract, the Packers have proven that they will take care of their own.  If Datone shows his worth, he will likely get a new contract before he starts collecting the fourth year of his rookie deal anyway.


Sign the paper, Datone.  Come to camp on time and show us why that fourth year will not even matter!

The most cash I ever received on my B-Day was $115.00


Datone get's $6.25 million and a contract to play with the Green Bay Packers.


In the list of good B-Day gifts. That beats just about all of them. And I think I know why Ted waited until today to sign him.



Originally Posted by Blair Kiel:

You Canadian or something?


Knew you hated America.

Don't hate.  They don't pay $1600 for a rat.  The government does that for them.



btw, Datone seems to be a really nice guy.  His favorite color is blue.  His favorite TV Show is "Duck Dynasty."  His favorite music is Hop Hip, or something like that; I didn't quite understand that part.


I told him about x4, and he said he's already on here, though I can't divulge his moniker.  Said he really likes most us, but he's not sure about Henry yet.  We've invited him over for Thanksgiving dinner.

Originally Posted by Ghost of Lambeau:

Think Boris can tell by the size of his donation?


The thought of real Packers on the board - I don't know - maybe we can tell who he is by how much of the play book is divulged. 

What if we find out he's Jaymo? That's some serious fallout.

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