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Bring it on! We all gotta go sometime. Smiler
But it's just a 2,880,000 day (about 7885 solar years) cycle - it starts over again on Dec 22nd. Altho the Maya did believe that "the universe is destroyed and then recreated at the start of each universal cycle." Everyone is free to interpret that as they will. I'm having a Winter Solstice party at my house Friday evening to celebrate... if we're still here and don't go tits up at 11:11 UTC, 5:11AM CST. Smiler
Lets take a look at the Mayan Societal Catastophic Event Prediction Record. Did they predict:

Conquistadors? Nope
Trade Route Collapse? Nope
Peasant Revolt? Nope
Drought? Nope
Influenza epidemic? Nope
Justin Bieber? Not even close.

Dudes (and dudettes) Rusty has a better track record of predictions than the Mayans. They're the anti-icons, everything they didn't predict cursed them.

Of course, maybe, just maybe, if the Spanish hadn't wiped them out they could have finished their #@%@&*! calendar!
Originally posted by Dr._Bob:
At least this would shut up Pete Carroll and those Seahawk fans.

I believe Lance Easley is a direct descendent of the guy who made the Mayan calendar.

Any how, I've run up a huge credit card bill the last week.....I don't know what I am going to do if the world doesn't end. I suppose, I could dig into all the cash I buried right before Y2K...if I can find it.

*edir: I've also started using Silent Killers without any fear of reprimand...the world's ending, what you gonna do to me. Oh really...

*edir of edir: I've also taken to spelling "edit" with an "r". Kind of a salute to the apocolypse since apocolyse doesn't have any "t" in it.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong

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