A Bears fan told me that Ditka wearing the Packers sweater has jinxed Green Bay for the last several weeks...about the same time the commercial came on air.
Break the Spell
A Bears fan told me that Ditka wearing the Packers sweater has jinxed Green Bay for the last several weeks...about the same time the commercial came on air.
Break the Spell
Interesting. Today's McDonald's commercial has Ditka taking of the Packers sweater and tossing it off the balcony. The Packers win today.
I think not
Thought the same thing, and the funny thing is Ditka was the only guy on the panel before the game to pick the Pack. Mike is Mighty Powerful.
**** that guy. POS human being.
Personal Experience?
The forum awaits the story!
Internet is littered with what POS that clown is.
It must be true if you read it on the innerwebs. Did I tell you I'm an Eye-Talian model? Bon Jour!
I actually agree that Ditka is probably a POS - I just replied to Henry's post 'cause I thought it was funny. If you want to read some funny Ditka stories check this out...