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With all of the draft talk going on, I wanted to give a little attention to the second half of TT's draft-and-develop philosophy. Which guys on the roster do you see making a leap and contributing more this year? Pick one on each side of the ball.

D - Mike Daniels
I thought he was a pleasant surprise, even with a slow start to the injury. With a full offseason and no Worthy for a while, I think he can make a bigger impact in pass rush situations. I'd also love to see either McMillan or Jennings make a leap at Safety, but I'll go with Daniels.

O - Jeremy Ross
I don't know if he or Boykin will grab the reigns of the true "#4 WR," but either way he's bound to see the field quite a bit in MM's offense. I really like his potential as a receiver, and I think we'll see little drop off on ST with him as the full time returner.
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Nick Perry on defense is the most hopeful to me. He's not a particularly fluid athlete so he'll need to work hard, but he's got that incredible burst for 10 - 20 yards which is something he can build off of.

I'll be interested to see if the RB DuJuan Harris can continue to develop and get regular time all season instead of just at the end of last year.
yep yep yep!
MM says he don't want Cobb on ST so that means it Ross's job to lose I would think. Perry will only get better. sometimes I wonder if they'd be better off making him a DE or a hybrid DE/OLB and let him put his hand down at times. anyway either way, he's gonna produce when healthy.
Hayward has a year of experience to draw from. House will be healthy. Datko will be healthy - man if he could come on and earn a job TT could put another feather in his genius cap.
Last edited by Tdog
Having Desmond Bishop back & healthy will do wonders for the defense.

Sam Shields continues his ascent

Not sure when Worthy will come back but he looked DAMN good for a rookie. Shocking is the word.

I think DJ Williams may surprise a few people.

Look for Finley to blow up as it's a contract year

Area I'm most worried about is O-Line & D-Line especially. Worried about Pickett. Dude is a warrior but can he hold up another season? We need him to unless TT drafts (or signs {Ahem} Cullen Jenkins) some help.

Terrell Manning. I'm really counting on him to JUMP & help out the defense. We'll see if it happens
In a recent blog Wilde had about Sherrod, he also had this from McCarthy about Worthy:


“I think training camp is definitely going to be a stretch just because of the timing of his injury,” McCarthy said. “Once again, he has to go through the rehab process and get healthy. I like a lot of the things he did. He brings a lot of energy. There’s a lot of things he can improve on and I definitely think he can be one of those players who makes a jump in Year 2.”

McCarthy also has some comments on Quarless in the Sherrod blog.
Boris has said this many times, but it bears repeating. Morgan Burnett should take it to the next level. Nick Collins really emerged at this point in time in his career and I see good things for Morgan.
No worries TT is going to draft John Jenkins ( pic 33) and nobody will be able to move that big butt. I can't wait to see Perry next year- whenever I get irked at the local seasuck media I replay that sack in about 1 second of Rusell Wilson. Hopefully there is a lot of that in 2013

I am hoping for development by the young safeties and a truework horse back would make GB pretty unbeatable
Originally posted by Boris:
Look for Finley to blow up as it's a contract year

He didn't blow up two years ago when it was a contract year, so not sure why this time will be different.

The TE I'm anxious to see develop is Bostick.

Another guy I'm looking forward to seeing is House -- he was looking good prior to that injury and if he can make a big step this year, that would give them a very deep secondary.

Two other guys to watch are Manning (as you point out) and McMillan. Those are areas of need for GB...even if one of the two step up, that would be very helpful to the defense.
Originally posted by GPack88:
No worries TT is going to draft John Jenkins ( pic 33) and nobody will be able to move that big butt. I can't wait to see Perry next year- whenever I get irked at the local seasuck media I replay that sack in about 1 second of Rusell Wilson. Hopefully there is a lot of that in 2013

I am hoping for development by the young safeties and a truework horse back would make GB pretty unbeatable

That's the pisser with injuries. Really can take a toll on development. Someone like Bishop has finally solidified himself so there isn't as much concern with learning technique, etc. but injuries to guys like Worthy, Manning and Perry sting due to the stagnation of development while overcoming a ****ty injury.

Part of the game. I do expect to see quite a bit for Manning and Perry this coming year. Worthy's injury is just another reason why I wouldn't mind seeing Jenkins come back at decent price.

Speaking of Perry, what game was it where he did the Reggie hump move? That impressed me.
Having Desmond Bishop back & healthy will do wonders for the defense.

I'm hearing there is concern about his rehab progress (sports radio referencing a jsonline article?), that they are not yet certain he will be able to fully recover. Wouldn't that be the clincher.

Worthy "shocking good"? I have read nothing but mixed reviews for him. I'm not saying he can't improve as rookie DLs don't often do much but he seemed to get lost in the mosh pit a lot.
More than anyone I think the Packers need Perry to make a big leap in year 2. It would be great if Daniels did but he seems like a low ceiling, overachiever type player and I'm not sure he has a lot of potential left to tap.

Manning turning into something would be money. Same for McMillions - he has very similar measureables to Collins and likes to hit so hope springs eternal there. I don't see Jennings being much more than he already is.

I would keep an eye on Datko. His build was way down when he came to camp last year, after dealing with injuries, but he has succeeded against top competition before. Maybe if he rebuilds himself he can retain that form. That would be huge for the line.
Originally posted by Rockin' Robin:
Originally posted by Boris:
Look for Finley to blow up as it's a contract year

He didn't blow up two years ago when it was a contract year, so not sure why this time will be different.

Two years older and more mature. Two years ago the Packers didn't just give him what he then thought he was worth. I think he understands that difference now. He's going to be 26 next month, now is his tiue to hit his stride as a pro.
Worthy is a guy that needs the offseason to get stronger. He has unreal quickness for such a big man, but the times he can't "out-quick" an OL he gets beat. He plays with a ton of effort and energy though and he seems like a genuinely good kid, but he definitely needs to improve his strength and power moves. Not to rehash things from another thread, but a guy like Cullen Jenkins is a good one for Worthy and Daniels to learn from. He's a guy that maximized his opportunities and improved himself from a UDFA from Central Michigan to an elite NFL DL in all of what, 4 years?
Originally posted by Ryan Grant:
I'm excited to see what Jeremy Ross can do.

I think Ross is going to one hell of a return man next year. It's too bad he botched the kick in the playoff game. He runs north/south with a purpose on returns. I think he holds quite a few Cal return records too, which is a pretty nice accomplishment after following the likes of D. Jackson.
Originally posted by Pakrz:
I think Ross is going to one hell of a return man next year.

He runs north/south with a purpose on returns.

Agree, it is nice to see him head straight up the field.
Originally posted by Boris:
2 years ago he was injured. I don't expect that to happen in 2013-2014 for Finley.

Guys in contract years generally play very very well

Speaking of guy's in the final year of their current deal. Mike Neal. Injuries, suspensions, excuses. Now or never Mike.
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
Originally posted by Pakrz:
I think Ross is going to one hell of a return man next year.

He runs north/south with a purpose on returns.

Agree, it is nice to see him head straight up the field.
just ctfb and show a bit more urgency in recovering the fumble if you do not ctfb
Originally posted by ChilliJon:
Speaking of guy's in the final year of their current deal. Mike Neal. Injuries, suspensions, excuses. Now or never Mike.

I think another year like last year will get him a new, reasonable contract. I'm really hoping he can grow into a 3-down end in addition to the bit of "juice" he brought to the pass rush.
I don't have as favorable of an opinion on J Ross as most of you seem to. In limited action last year he fumbled twice. The second cost us big time vs SF. If he was so good why didn't New England or Indy hang onto him? He made his mark in college as a return guy - not as a reciever. At best he is Desmond Howard, at worst he is Corey Rogers. Either way it might be difficult to project him as a wideout that makes a difference.
Originally posted by Ghost of Lambeau:
If he was so good why didn't New England or Indy hang onto him?

Why didn't ATL hang onto Favre? Why didn't GB hang onto Warner? Why didn't HOU hang onto Tramon? Why did Driver and Tauscher get picked in the 7th round? Why did MIN pass on AR twice in 2005? Why did......... ?
You put a rookie UDFA in a very important playoff game and he craps his that's never happened before. Cobb has struggled with fumbling also, no one is writing him off.

Ross reminds me of Josh Cribbs from a return stand point. He's a big body, he runs hard, and he doesn't dance. Yeah he needs to improve his mental focus, but to me he's a guy who will be consistent and not go backwards. I don't see him as a guy who will always be a threat to run it back like Hester or Dante Hall, but he's a guy that will take advantage of opportunities the return team gives him and will be a guy opponents will respect.
I like the Cribbs comp. As refreshing as it was to have an actual threat at returner in Cobb, I do feel like he danced too much last year.

Ross is a grab it an go guy, so long as he remembers to grab it first.

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