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If I heard this right:

Chmura was on the radio this afternoon and said that Packers Dr, Pat McKenzie, had medically cleared Jennings, Matthews, and Shields for the game yesterday... anyone else hear or read anything about this?
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I hadn't but MM said this:

Following his team’s 38-10 loss to the New York Giants Sunday night, Packers coach Mike McCarthy said Jennings was healthy enough to play Sunday, but the team wanted to wait another week until the two-time Pro Bowler got a full week of practice under his belt.

Jennings, who hasn’t played since late September, underwent surgery for a core muscle injury earlier this month before looking good in his return to practice this past week in a limited capacity.

There was no reason to not play him just for the one fact of fatigue and his ability not to have a full week of reps because he hasn’t played in so long,” McCarthy said. “I fully expect Greg to be a full participant Wednesday. Obviously, if the week goes the way it should, I would think he would ready to go for Minnesota.”

I don't even want to go there again on MM and his hand holding when it comes to bringing guys back. Jennings was healthy enough to play. Im guessing CMIII wanted to play and with Shields, really unknown even if activated how much we would have seen him. CB play wasn't the issue yesterday.
Originally posted by CAPackfan:
After the game, MM made it sound like Jennings is ahead of CLay as far as recovery goes. Sounded more certain of Jennings playing this weekend than he did with Clay

Last week MM said that CMIII's injury was a two week recovery. Who knows.
If true I'm not surprised.

MM trying to be too cute Wink

If we win that game last night the Giants are probably missing the playoffs or 1 & done. Still might happen anyway but if we meAt them again it will be different
Originally posted by Boris:
If we win that game last night the Giants are probably missing the playoffs or 1 & done. Still might happen anyway but if we meAt them again it will be different

45 to 10?
Originally posted by Boris:
If true I'm not surprised.

MM trying to be too cute Wink

If we win that game last night the Giants are probably missing the playoffs or 1 & done. Still might happen anyway but if we meAt them again it will be different
November game in the grand scheme of things doesn't mean ****. Mid January with a healthy on
wouldn't surprise me if we end up seeing them in Lambeau in the first round. Considering the Giants remaining schedule and the play of RGIII, i don't think it's too crazy to think the Redskins could win the division and put the Giants into the 6 seed.
I dont have much of a problem with holding back these guys. Jennings had one big setback already. And it was a cold night game on hard turf. The Packers offense played lousy almost across the board. Jennings would not have made a difference.

Matthews should have been held out. Based on how the LBs and "D" played vs Detroit, there was good reason to think the "D" would have been much better last night.

Shields...he is going to have a tough time breaking back into the lineup the way the younger DBs are playing. A high ankle sprain(?) can be real tough to recover from and on cold turf, it is better to wait.

These three guys would not have made enough difference last night to win. Maybe they would have made the game closer. But I will take this blowout loss compared to a close loss.

The Giants had their "game on". Next time it will be vice versa.
I cannot see any way that shields is not the starter when he is ready. the experience has been invaluable but he is a proven commodity and I would bet the coverage and defense they are playing is based on the personnel or lack of personnel on the field. house and Heyward have been playing fine but I believe that Shields was playing at a very high level probably best on the team when he went down.
"Things will be different if we see them again in the PO's"?

I beg to differ. I think the NYG are in the Packers heads. Unless NYG lose some guys to injury (anybody hear about JPP's status?) I see things unfolding like the last two times we played them. Hell, they weren't far off in last year's regular season game either. Getting some guys back on D could limit their offensive production but neither Jennings nor Benson (if he's not too busy working the decks at a strip club) play OL and that is really the achille's heel vs. NYG.
Honestly, I don't know how much of a difference these guys would have made against the Giants. Clay's pass rush abilities could have helped, but the reason we lost the game last night was the offensive line.

I have no problem keeping them out another week to heal. Greg especially. He's been out quite a while, and needs to get up to speed. Another week with him practicing could make a huge difference for him.
As much as the roster is weakened by these guys being out, I hate to cite that as a reason for a blowout loss. This team isn't the only team battling injuries, and they've won a couple very ugly games with this depleted roster in the past couple weeks. They have shown they can compete with such a rash of injuries, so not competing last night doesn't fall on Clay or Wood or Bulaga being out.

I think the Giants know they can clearly win the LOS on both sides of the ball, and they know a punch in the mouth will send this Packer team reeling. As it was stated last night, you can't rely simply on a prolific passing game to get through tough games. The fact that MM knew he had major issues on the o-line coming in tells me not only that he failed to account to some degree, but also that he was totally outschemed by Coughlin, Gilbride etc.

At this point we have to face facts that in their 2 biggest tests this season, Niners, and defending champ Giants, this team was outmuscled and outphysicalled, and could do nothing about it. And until they find a way to put hits on a guy like Eli, he will sit back there and survey and pick them apart, no matter who is back from injury on that defense.

It's maddening to watch a team like the NYG impose their will with basically 4 guys rushing the QB, and week after week opposing QB's have seemingly all day to throw the freaking ball.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
Even with these three we lose. Our offensive and defensive lines were exposed last night as "not quite ready for prime time," to put it mildly. The Oline will get Rodgers killed at this rate. Having Jennings wouldn't have given Rodgers more time to throw. Having Clay wouldn't have stopped the Gints from gashing us and whomping us on the line. House got picked on and exposed a bit but held up overall just as well as Shields would have, if not better. What it boils down to is that we cannot compete with teams that have good lines.
Originally posted by Pikes Peak:
Originally posted by Boris:
If we win that game last night the Giants are probably missing the playoffs or 1 & done. Still might happen anyway but if we meAt them again it will be different

45 to 10?

Yes with Green Bay on top and Eli(te) throwing a truckload of INT's.

The Giants HAD to win that game vs. Green Bay or they would've been done. Packers winning is a "would've been nice"
McCarthy hasn't exactly been very transparent before with disclosing injuries or the status of players, so I can't say I'm surprised with some of these developments.

As for the "we need to hold them back" crowd, well, what are you holding them back for? Early in the game Eli Manning was erratic as hell and are we thinking we couldn't have used a CMIII in this game? Same thing with Jennings. Other than the long catch to Jordy the Packers could not open up the passing game. They could have used Jennings in this one.

Shields is a little different matter altogether. Personally, I think he was hurt a lot worse than earlier reported and Hayward and House are playing well at this point. Although, I was puzzled why Hayward didn't get the start over House but that's a different matter.

The Packers are still in good shape at 7-4 but every game counts and I don't like the fact they didn't even compete in this one. Not suggesting that GB automatically beats the Giants with Jennings or CMIII, but maybe the game is a lot more competitive. Either way, you are getting late in the season and if they are cleared and ready they need to be playing.
Looked around, can't find anything about this... maybe I misheard what Chmura said.

Originally posted by Hungry5:
If I heard this right:

Chmura was on the radio this afternoon and said that Packers Dr, Pat McKenzie, had medically cleared Jennings, Matthews, and Shields for the game yesterday... anyone else hear or read anything about this?
Originally posted by Hungry5:
If I heard this right:

Chmura was on the radio this afternoon and said that Packers Dr, Pat McKenzie, had medically cleared Jennings, Matthews, and Shields for the game yesterday... anyone else hear or read anything about this?

According to a JSO article, Matthews isn't cleared yet.
Shields is a little different matter altogether. Personally, I think he was hurt a lot worse than earlier reported

agree. he almost took that flying foot whip directly to the knee. they've been saying ankle, and I can't figure out why they'd lie (or if they even can legally within NFL injury reporting rules), but it sure looked like it would be a knee injury.
Those 3 players wouldn't have made a difference in Sunday's meaningless regular season game but things will be different come the playoffs? Wow. What would lead you to believe that?

Our offense has underachieved. Rodgers has said that on several occasions. The offensive line has been an issue all year and recent injuries have caused more problems. Do you really think this is going to be fixed come playoff time?
Originally posted by WanaBGM:
Funny how Lombardi didn't seem to have this kind of problem with injuries.

Agree... but that was back in the days when they rubbed some dirt on it and sniffed smelling salts on the sidelines.

When I saw Clay jogging off the field I had no idea he'd be out for a month... or longer. I mean, come on.

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