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Good post, dsr. The 'AR dropped into TT's lap' meme is nothing more than one of the last vines for the drooling morons to hang onto as they suffer and writhe in pain in reaction to fact after fact after fact showing them that TT knows WTF he's doing. 'AR fell into TT's lap and he's a lucky dolt' helps to rationalize their years of screaming that he should be fired and that he's an idiot, a cheapskate, timid, afraid to make deals, etc.

Nothing more, nothing less.
Originally posted by JJSD: 'AR fell into TT's lap and he's a lucky dolt'

Yeah, that's what we mean. Just like Shula is a dolt for getting Marino after he dropped and Walsh being stoopid for grabbing Montana in the third round. Has nothing to do with fortunate circumstances or lucky breaks, just pure genius on Walsh and Shula (or whoever was in charge of the draft for those teams).

Why the need to stroke TT over this is beyond me. He got lucky. He is also a top notch GM for trading up for Matthews, an undersized pass rusher who was a walk-on and started one year. Also, amongst others, Jennings in the third. A wonderful pick. He doesn't need stroking and if he gets a lucky break does nothing to diminish the job he has done.
I was hardly thinking of you WRT this pile of dum. What you mean is always the same thing:

"HEY!!! OVER HERE!!!!!!!!!! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!!!!!!!!! HEY!!!!!!!! ME!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The actual words/issues you puke up are totally irrelevant. That's a completely different kind of stupidity.

No one cares what you think. Seriously.
Maybe Rodgers was TT's guy from the start. We'll never really know. What we do know is that it's hard to argue (even then) that he wasn't BPA at the time that GB drafted in the first round. I remember it because a number of people said so on that draft thread. That's why I asked if we could pull it up from the archives. I loved the pick at the time.

I know Favre was "the guy" at that time but I also knew that he was starting to wind down and he wasn't going to play forever.

As for "it's luck" commentary, maybe so. But if that's the case, then TT is the luckiest SOB that has ever been a GM in this league. I guess he was lucky to land Marcus Trufant, Steve Hutchinson, and Shaun Alexander in Seattle. Then he came to GB and loaded up on Collins, Jennings, A-Rod, Raji, Hawk, Crosby, CMIII, etc.

TT was lucky he stumbled into the meeting room where they were scouting,reviewing, assessing and grading the top QBs even though they held the 24th pick and didn't need a signal caller

He was even luckier when the QB Fairy put a tape of Rodgers under his pillow one night (true story)

And the luck continued at Austin-Straubel one day when TT thought he was flying to Florida and ended up on the West Coast for the Cal pro days - talk about luck !

But wait ! there is more luck involved....he really lucked out when 23 not-as-lucky GMs took a pass and all of those lucky happenstances gave him the opportunity to fall out of his chair and accidentally hand in the wrong card

Three cheers for Rabbits-foot Thompson
Originally posted by chickenboy:
He got lucky.

TT made his luck. GB reps were sent to Aaron Rodgers workout. They did a full analysis and evaluated that he was indeed worthy of a #1 draft pick. More often than not, people make their luck. They drafted Rodgers because Chris Mortensen or some draftnik's publication suggested he was good? They drafted him because the system they run scored him much higher than the position he was drafted at. STFU.

I edited the second and third sentence for clarity.
TT was one third lucky, two thirds skill based on the snippet from Harlan. TT was lucky Rodgers was there, but it was skill to have Rodgers listed as the number one player left on the draft board and skill to draft him regardless of having Favre and regardless of the flack he would take from fans. So he's 66.67 percent skill. You can't argue with math.
Originally posted by Green Crustacean: They drafted him because the system they run scored him much higher than the position he was drafted at.

So the projected number one overall pick who was picked at 24 actually was projected to go lower?
Originally posted by chickenboy:
So the projected number one overall pick who was picked at 24 actually was projected to go lower?

I have never participated in nor followed any of your attention whore based "discussions". I don't know what you are trying to get at here, probably because you wrote it so poorly.

I said they took the time to grade him out (as they likely did every other draftee that year). They scored him and chose the best player available at where they drafted. It doesn't matter where someone else rated him. If the Packers somehow traded up to a lower draft position (complete conjecture here since thier MO is typically not to trade up) and he was the best player available then I bet they would have drafted him. That is what highly skilled people do when they know what they are doing.

If others passed him up not because he was scored lower, but because either drafted for need or had some other reason not to draft Rodgers, then they; demonstrate their skill (or lack thereof). If they scored him lower because they liked Urban Meyer and hated Jeff Tedford, then they demonstrated their lack of skill.
Originally posted by Dr._Bob:
but it was skill to have Rodgers listed as the number one player left on the draft board and skill to draft him regardless of having Favre and regardless of the flack he would take from fans.

I don't know if skill is necessarily the right word here...I think cajones is more appropriate. Pablo can translate if anyone is confused.
Last edited by Grave Digger
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
I don't know if skill is necessarily the right word here...I think cajones is more appropriate. Pablo can translate if anyone is confused.

Maybe Lang could help with this one too.
Originally posted by Goalline:
What does that say about the other 22 morons picking before TT then?

Didn't you just answer that? Confused

QBs have premium contracts and Rodgers was a Tedford disciple but when you have time to develop a guy jumping your board that much is dumb. Ron Wolf regretted it when he took Jon Michaels over Tony Brackens and that wasn't even for a QB who if he turns out good and you don't need him you can trade him for a mint. The pressure to "win now" makes folks do dumb things.

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