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That was some **** play calling by Roman. Similar to his work inside the 10 against Baltimore in the SB. I expect he's going to take a beating this week. How do you not hand it to Gore inside the 1 with :19 seconds left and a TO.

If Harbaugh didn't want the Michigan job before (of course he did already), he does now. He's probably going to send his wife back to Ann Arbor to look for a house during the bye week. If you think Collie Kaeperdink is pathetic now, just wait to see him melt down under a new head coach.

Originally Posted by ChilliJon:
Kaep wasn't their problem today. The OL was. 8 sacks?

A lot of that is on him. He has great weapons to throw to, a great group of RBs, and the best legs of any QB in the league. The guy just sucks. He's a poor man's Jeff Garcia (his numbers actually pale in comparison to what Garcia did with the 49ers from 2000-2003, look it up! )

Last edited by Pack-Man
The Rams rise up once again and beat the Niners.  That team has their number. 

What a bizarre week.   Winless Oakland gave Seattle a run for their money, Mark freaking Sanchez actually looked OK,  San Diego looked awful, and Denver got housed by New England. 

I am not sure I can recall a year where it's this wide open.  Miami and KC were left for dead and they look pretty damn good now

Oooooh yeah, the 49ers play the Saints in New Orleans next week. I smell 4-5 49ers team in the works. It'll be amusing watching all of their pathetic fans scatter like roaches once they get blown out next week.

Originally Posted by Pack-Man:

Oooooh yeah, the 49ers play the Saints in New Orleans next week. I smell 4-5 49ers team in the works. It'll be amusing watching all of their pathetic fans scatter like roaches once they get blown out next week.

Life is good in NoCal!

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