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My daughter and I just got back from a visit to my hometown of La Crosse. While driving back through Nebraska she complained about how many mosquito bites she had gotten the last two nights in La Crosse.

On her right foot she had 20 on her ankle and foot. The left had only 8. There were more on her arms and neck. Her right foot was peppered with red itchy bumps.

The mosquitoes were not that bad during the 5 days we were there. But that last night we were playing catch at the softball fields across from our house.

I just had a couple bites at the most.
Originally posted by bdplant:
Five or six so far this year in Austin. Slower than usual because it NEVER F%*$#G RAINS here anymore. Mosquitoes don't scare me though. They bite, I scratch. I power through.

I save my scaredness for snakes.

10.5 inches at my home in the past 2 weeks. Thanks, I now have a mosquito problem.
Originally posted by PDXPackFan:
Originally posted by CAPackFan95:
Originally posted by ShebPackFan:
A good friend of mine moved from Portland to Arizona a year ago. She hated living in Portland because the weather was so awful. She loves living in Arizona.

It's horrible weather here. Please stay out.

Exactly.. i wish more people would stay away

or leave

I'm moving in next door.
Earlier I had spent all day in the cranberry marsh and had found a tick. That afternoon I'm cleaning up a pork tenderloin when I felt a tick moving in the middle of my back. I swing the knife to flick the tick off my back but accidently stab my skull. Blood pours down my head and I drop the knife stabbing my ankle. I now have blood gushing from two places and Sarge is shopping.

Two large towels with ice later I remember there was a tick as I shampoo the carpet to rid the blood trail.
Last edited by RatPack
I can second that on spiders.

And at Miller Park Sunday we moved down to nice seats on the 3rd base line around the 9th inning and a few minutes after sitting down, for the first time in my life, I got bombed by some bird along with two people in the two rows in front of me. only hit my shorts so I couldn't complain too much. but when it first hit I thought it was starting to rain. well, it was I guess, raining ****.

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