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Interesting take

I'll cover the knee-jerk bed-wetting, whining, little blue cartoon animal, get-a-life, why-are-you-even-here, et. al., comments for you so maybe the article content can be addressed. Really does look like they've been reading this forum.
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Packers head to the locker room, Eagles hear the boos. 14-3 Packers at the half. Should be 21-3 though. Costly drop by Jones. Ouch.


Now, this opened up commentary from all throughout the Packer Twitterverse on whether or not Packer fans should be raining on any parade.


But in the end, the targets of criticism: the accidental touching of a live punt, the first-half clock mismanagement, the critical drops by Jones and the other receivers, the inability of the offense to generate a game-sealing four-minute drive at the end of the game...all of these are legitimate topics of discussion.

and all being discussed right here.

Is whining about not being able to whine the new whine?
Originally posted by :

I'll cover the knee-jerk bed-wetting, whining, little blue cartoon animal, get-a-life, why-are-you-even-here, et. al., comments for you so maybe the article content can be addressed. Really does look like they've been reading this forum.
After EVERY Packers game we discuss the Pawsitives/Things that need to be fixed from the game. I think the Eyore / negative nancies complaining comes about when those who look at glasses as half empty feel the need to start a separate thread for their views on the negative aspects of the game. It's as if they don’t feel their negative view will be understood as part of the +' / -'s thread.

I don't need validation of my opinions from an anonymous poster on a message board. If people don't agree with me here... oh well. They'll probably die alone and penniless so I have that going for me. Big Grin

Some people see the glass as half empty
Half Empty chooses to see it as 3/4 empty and cracked with little chips of broken glass that will cut your tongue and lips and cause internal bleeding which will lead to a horrid painful death and an eternity in the lowest floor of hell.
OK Half Empty here's a rational response. You can choose to respond to it in the spirit that you claim you intended, or you can ignore it and further expose your schtick.

The writer of this article (and many others) always seem at the ready with the "what if ___ happened, we'd have lost!" yet they NEVER look at the "what if ____ happened, we'd have won huge" side of the equation.

Why is that? In the article you link, the author write the following:

But that doesn't change the fact that Green Bay's advancement to Atlanta has everything to do with 5'11" Tramon Williams being able to win his individual matchup against 6'3" Riley Cooper. Heck, if Tramon stumbles on that play, it's the Eagles advancing on a last-second heroic touchdown by Michael Vick.

Or, if David Akers makes just one of his two missed field goals, the Eagles were already in field goal range for him on that final drive, only behind by two points.

Yes, it's a lot of "ifs", and luckily, ones we no longer have to worry about, as the Packers won this game on one of the most breathtaking finishes in recent history. But to ignore those mistakes going into a game against the #1 seed in the NFC is foolish.

That's indeed a lot of "ifs". Yet, not a single one of those "ifs" were "what if Jones catches that ball" or "what if Rodgers doesn't fumble" or "what if Hawk intercepts a pass".

All these hypotheticals are written from the perspective of "ZOMG WE GOT LUCKY! WE STILL SUCK SOOO ANGRY".

The strawman that these negative positions are censored is bull. The strawman that these are "ganged up on" is bull. If YA makes a thread saying the main reason we won is because DeSean Jackson missed the 2nd quarter, guess what, he's gotta defend that opinion, because its flat out incorrect. A part of the reason? Debatable. THE KEY reason - completely and totally wrong.

Don't want your negative opinion challenged or addressed or refuted or shown to be dead wrong? Don't post it. But, no one is preventing criticism. It's ALL over the place. Linking to this piece as a defense of being negative is silly, and the author himself proves the frustration many have. The "what if" game is always in the negative, and rarely in the positive.

The Packers are in the divisional round in a year where 15 players are on IR. I love this team, and I'll be bummed as hell if/when they lose, but this has been an amazing season for many reasons. Try to enjoy it. Just a little.
And let's not forget, the Packers won despite those mistakes. I think that shows the tenacity of this team to continue to fight it out with another playoff quality team and maintain their composure when things don't go perfectly. Get those mistakes out of the way, learn from them, and play even better in the next playoff game. This team is learning to win close games. That's a good thing. (And why the hell does this team have the reputation for losing close games instead of having a reputation for keeping games close? Would losing in a blowout let them off the hook??)
Originally posted by CAPackFan95:
The Packers are in the divisional round in a year where 15 players are on IR. I love this team, and I'll be bummed as hell if/when they lose, but this has been an amazing season for many reasons. Try to enjoy it. Just a little.

Agreed, and also a good reason for people not to get overly worked up over the perceived wrong connotation, word, or what are we down to now, a period versus a question mark?

Originally posted by CAPackFan95:
OK Half Empty here's a rational response. You can choose to respond to it in the spirit that you claim you intended, or you can ignore it and further expose your schtick.

The writer of this article (and many others) always seem at the ready with the "what if ___ happened, we'd have lost!" yet they NEVER look at the "what if ____ happened, we'd have won huge" side of the equation.


The Packers are in the divisional round in a year where 15 players are on IR. I love this team, and I'll be bummed as hell if/when they lose, but this has been an amazing season for many reasons. Try to enjoy it. Just a little.

I looked carefully and didn't see any sarcasm or playground responses. Just your reasons for not buying what was said in the article. Did I miss something? Smiler

FWIW, I am enjoying the season, just not at the same time as you guys. I was thrilled for the last half minute of the last game, having 'known' prior to then that they were going to give it away.
I'm lucky enough to be able to sit through most of the games with Mr. Negative. It's brutal. I love the guy, but it's tough watching games with him.

One game we watched, Aaron Rouse returned an INT like 99 yards for a score, then did his Lambeau leap. And what did Mr. Negative have to say about the entire play? Well, it was about the leap:

"Geez, is that all the higher he can jump? I thought he was supposed to be an athelete?"

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