After my first good nights sleep (8 hours or so minus :15 minutes of 2 women fighting literally outside my hotel door) in 3 days, we get up and get into line for tickets to day 2 around 9:35 AM EDT. This line has maybe 300 people in it total. We have some light conversation with people around us and my buddy and I start discussing Michael Bush and wondering where he will be drafted. The line starts to move at 10:00 AM and they are letting us in. This time the seats are not assigned but are general admission. We head upstairs to the first Mezzanine and get down to the first row, dead center looking at the podium. NFL Network crew is on my left and the ESPN crew is on my right. I look over at Suzy and yell to her, "WE LOVE YOU SUZY!" she yells back "THANK YOU!" Everybody laughed, good fun.
We tune into NFL Network because they are light years better than ESPN. Schefter comes on and states that Moss is in New England for a physical and he will be a Patriot by the time the Pats are supposed to select in round 4. I'm initially pretty bummed out but after about 5 minutes or so, I get over it. Oh well.
Gene Washington comes up and welcomes everyone to day 2 of the draft and states "THE LA RAIDERS ARE NOW ON THE CLOCK" People around us are cat-calling, whooping and hollering. One guy says, "Is that move part of the Moss trade??" About 2:00 tick off the clock and Gene Washington comes up and says "With the 1st pick in the 4th round the OAKLAND Raiders select Michael Bush!" I look over at my buddy and said, "That didn't take long." Great potential value pick here in the draft for the Raiders. If Bush has any heart he could easily be the next Jerome Bettis. It's all up to M. Bush and of course he must stay healthy.
The 4th round moves rapidly and I'm a little puzzled as to why New Orleans keeps selecting offensive players? (Antonio Pittman) and of course Meacham on day 1.
The packers, of course, trade down with Pittsburgh. Trade-down Ted strikes again! Then select Allen Barbre in a fairly uneventful selection. We kind of laughed at Pittsburgh selecting the punter (Sepulveda) with Green Bays former pick.
Mike Shannahan now comes on & this is where we find out how much Mike S. and the Broncos liked Justin Harrell! I'm listening to NFL NETWORK and my buddy is listening to ESPN. As soon as Mike S. has completed his interview, I turn to my buddy and said, "WHOA! Well that was eye-opening!!" They liked Harrell first and then Jarvis Moss which is why the Broncos traded up to #17 to grab Moss because they didn't think he would last until #21! Now that's insider insight! Now you all get a glimpse into the fact that all these teams/GM's are in tune with one another and they know where the players are slotted to get selected. So when these websites put out their draft grades 2 days after the draft ripping on some teams and praising another, it's complete crap!! A waste of your time to read. How is Harrell a "reach" when Shannahan explicitly stated they would have taken Harrell at #21 and then the Broncos TRADE UP TO #17 to draft Moss?!?!? Had TT traded down AT ALL, the Broncos would have snatched Harrell at #17!!!!! Please tell me I'm not the only one that figured this out. My god everyone open your eyes!! Ok enough on this.
I like the fact the picks are coming along fairly quickly. NFL Network continues to announce the picks before Gene Washington does. Round 5 hits & when it's the Packers turn to select and Gene announces "DAVID CLOWNEY" (actually Mayock did) my buddy and I turn to look at each other with very surprised looks on our faces. This was a player we discussed for the day 2 rounds and possibly round 3. He says to me, "NOW THAT is a nice pick!" There are quite a few groans from the rest of the audience too except the Packer fans. Clowney is definitely a consensus BPA pick at this point in the draft.
I step out to grab some M&M's and Twizzlers along with some water since the Packers don't pick until round 6 again. I go back in & I'm listening to some of the other teams fans talk about their picks. Every 3rd pick or so some Giant fan is saying "WHO?!?!" which is becoming increasingly annoying. I turn to my buddy and tell him "If he says that one more time the rest of the day I'm going to tell him 'That's what the Giant GM is saying. He didn't study the draft guide just like you!'" I think the guy realized when nobody was laughing at him anymore that the same joke isn't funny after the first 1,000 times.
Round 6 hits & there is a Jet fan sitting 1 seat away from me and he is about 15 years old or so asking me a ton of questions. Good kid and knows his stuff. He is screaming for the Jets to take Brandon Siler. Instead they take Jacob Bender a 6'6" OT from Nicholls St. I go on to explain to the kid that there is a reason this guy has dropped from day 1 to not being selected yet. Surprisingly he listens to me and nods his head. I also say, the Jets can use someone to protect the QB and block for their RB's much more than they need another LB'er. The kid agrees. The 6th round continues on and my buddy's 49'ers select a RB (Thomas Clayton) which he is thrilled about. Can't hurt to have some depth behind Gore.
The Packers are on the clock with not 1, not 2, but three picks in a row. People are screaming "give someone else a chance." etc.

I'm wondering if our hero Ted T. will do some more trading down. The Packers pass on their first 5:00 but of course they are still on the clock. We find out later that the Pack was fielding a ton of calls when Ted T stepped in and said, "Wait a minute... just stop. Let's make our picks." At this point I'm wondering if the Pack thinks Siler is a good selection. Obviously NOT! Since they picked 2 LB'ers. Now the coup de grΓ’ce is when the Pack selects Mason Crosby. At this point I'm laughing hysterically because the Giant fan behind me is now beside himself screaming at the top of his lungs, "The Giant GM's all suck, they do NOT know how to draft!!!" He really wanted the Giants to grab the kicker Crosby bad. I'm having a lot of fun now because this is the spot in the draft you do pick a kicker. Great job Ted and excellent value at this spot in the draft.
The 7th round is pretty much a breeze and most of the people are just sticking around to get their tickets for next year. I like the (2) 7th rounders the Pack drafted. A RB and a TE that have potential. They probably make the practice squad if they show anything at all in camp.
As Mr. Irrelevant is announced, (We were all hoping for Chris Leak) what's left of the crowd cheers and we head to the exits with our forms filled out to turn in just before the final doors. 1 form per person only. That gets you one ticket to next years first day.
Looks like I'll be going again next year. I hope you all enjoyed the draft as much as I did. Hope you enjoyed this post too.