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I'm at a convention in Austin this week. Had our closing banquet last night. My colleague (a packer season ticket holder) and I sat at a random table, struck up conversation as people were sitting down. The guy to right of me is from Arizona. When I told him I was from Wisconsin he said, "Ahhhhhhhh, Packer Country!" I asked if he was a fan. He said, "Absolutely, my whole life. I grew up in Nebraska - Jerry Tagge is my cousin." Took me a minute, since I was pretty young during the Devine years my memory was a little foggy. I said, "The quarterback?" Yep, sure enough.

That struck up more packer conversation, when the people to the left of me said, "Are you talking about the Packers?" Best question of the night..."We're from Kansas, do you know who Jordy Nelson is?"

LMFAO - Seriously, future Packer HOF'r Jordy Nelson?

Umm...yeah I think we've heard of him. LOL

Guy and his wife get all excited, "The Nelson's are our neighbors." They preceded to tell stories about Jordy, his frugal nature, and his family. Apparently, Jordy's grandmother makes the best pies in the world. I think they spent 5 minutes just telling us about her baking prowess. Before we knew it seemed like every Packer fan in the room was at our table talking Pack.

That's the short of it. I just about did a spit-take with my beer when he asked if we knew who Jordy was. We didn't have to create conversation for the rest of the night. 

Just thought I'd share.   



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So I was in Dallas M - W this week for a business trip I do every year. we have meetings at the Four Season Las Colinas. Every year we have done it (I think we are on 12 in a row) the NFL has their winter meetings as well.

I've met all sorts of Packers and NFL people. Thompson, Murphy, Art Rooney, Goodell, Jeff Lurie, Dean Spanos, Speilman, Gase, Irsay, Kraft......

This year I was across the street at a Tex Mex restaurant on Tues night for a big corp meal. They had shitty margarita's they were serving so I head to the bar. One seat available. Sit down.

Look to my right and it's my cousin - Mark Murphy! Had a nice chat. Really good guy (although he didn't buy me a drink, which he should have as his boss/owner). We talked a little about the team but more about the business of running the operation. They got lots going on.

We did touch on team personnel a little. I brought up the signing of Veldheer and said it reminded me of the signing of Wilkerson that might have saved the 1996 season. He wasn't aware but said he wanted to check that out - before his time.

He gave me his card and apologized because he usually carries a card that you go online and get some sort of free team gift. I told him I didn't really need or want that. Really nice guy.


One time at Ohare Airport I was riding the train from a terminal back to parking.  A guy sitting across from me was dressed in Western cut suit, cowboy hat, boots with the silver tips, etc.  I had on a Packers shirt and hat which I always wear when going to Illinois.  Anyway the guy is on his phone talking, stops, looks at me and asks  do you know where the United desk is and which terminal. Since we had just come from there I told him.  He finishes his phone call, and says to me, "Thanks, I knew I could trust a Packer fan!" 

Stopped in Wyoming to get gas at some lone station in the middle of nowhere. (Herd of antelope on a hill directly across highway.) I was wearing a UW-River Falls t-shirt. Guy driving a fuel truck sees my shirt and asks me if I go there. I say yes and ask him how he knows where UW-RF is. He asks me if I know where Green Bay is.  Turns out he was from Sister Bay, and we knew mutual friends. And were Packer fans. Where the antelope roam...

I'll add another.
In the early 80's a friend and I were sitting behind the the Montien Hotel in Bangkok enjoying a couple Bloody Marys and watching the Chao Praya river boats. (I was wearing a Packer t-shirt)
A couple walks up to us and asks if I'm a Packer fan.
I tell him hell yes and I'm also a GB native.
He says we're Les and Emma from Seymour!
We spent 10 or 15 minutes discussing how poorly the Pack was playing at the time.

If you're wearing Packer colors, connections can pop up anywhere!

Packers at Bills eons ago. Back in the Lofton/Dickey days. I'm sitting by myself in the East endzone about 20 rows up. Hardly any fans there. An older couple sit down next to me. Ask me if I was a Packer fan (no gear). I say that's why I'm there. Turned out they were Bart Starr's next door  neighbors during the Ice Bowl.

Last edited by Packiderm
AtTheMurph posted:

So I was in Dallas M - W this week for a business trip I do every year. we have meetings at the Four Season Las Colinas. Every year we have done it (I think we are on 12 in a row) the NFL has their winter meetings as well.

I've met all sorts of Packers and NFL people. Thompson, Murphy, Art Rooney, Goodell, Jeff Lurie, Dean Spanos, Speilman, Gase, Irsay, Kraft......

This year I was across the street at a Tex Mex restaurant on Tues night for a big corp meal. They had shitty margarita's they were serving so I head to the bar. One seat available. Sit down.

Look to my right and it's my cousin - Mark Murphy! Had a nice chat. Really good guy (although he didn't buy me a drink, which he should have as his boss/owner). We talked a little about the team but more about the business of running the operation. They got lots going on.

We did touch on team personnel a little. I brought up the signing of Veldheer and said it reminded me of the signing of Wilkerson that might have saved the 1996 season. He wasn't aware but said he wanted to check that out - before his time.

He gave me his card and apologized because he usually carries a card that you go online and get some sort of free team gift. I told him I didn't really need or want that. Really nice guy.


Did you ask him if he thinks the Vikings suck? 

Coming home from a casino early morning a few years ago. I am blowing thru a construction zone and the highway state trooper pulls me over. I figure I am done.  I have my packers hat on. Trooper takes my license, walks back to his cruiser, then comes back couple of minutes later, hands me my license and tell me my hat saved me from getting a ticket and to slow down. We are every where.

Packiderm posted:
AtTheMurph posted:

So I was in Dallas M - W this week for a business trip I do every year. we have meetings at the Four Season Las Colinas. Every year we have done it (I think we are on 12 in a row) the NFL has their winter meetings as well.

I've met all sorts of Packers and NFL people. Thompson, Murphy, Art Rooney, Goodell, Jeff Lurie, Dean Spanos, Speilman, Gase, Irsay, Kraft......

This year I was across the street at a Tex Mex restaurant on Tues night for a big corp meal. They had shitty margarita's they were serving so I head to the bar. One seat available. Sit down.

Look to my right and it's my cousin - Mark Murphy! Had a nice chat. Really good guy (although he didn't buy me a drink, which he should have as his boss/owner). We talked a little about the team but more about the business of running the operation. They got lots going on.

We did touch on team personnel a little. I brought up the signing of Veldheer and said it reminded me of the signing of Wilkerson that might have saved the 1996 season. He wasn't aware but said he wanted to check that out - before his time.

He gave me his card and apologized because he usually carries a card that you go online and get some sort of free team gift. I told him I didn't really need or want that. Really nice guy.


Did you ask him if he thinks the Vikings suck? 

No but I did meet Spielman and Pace in the lobby bar later that night. I told both of them I was a Packers fan and hoped they got their asses kicked! Whiskey had kicked in by then.

They were actually both OK guy. Some of the underlyings are dipshits though.

Blair Kiel posted:

I'm reading between the lines that one of the underlings encouraged you to take your drunk ass out of there? 

No. They were just off to the sides doing their own thing and acting like macho men after they had a coors light.

Back in the mid 90's my wife and I stayed at the Embassy Suites in Green Bay to do some Christmas shopping. They taped a Packer show there and as we were walking in the hotel from dinner Sean Jones was leaving the hotel after taping the show. He walked and had that same expression a Mean Joe Green did in the coke commercial (just let me get out of here). As we got near him I nodded my head and said "HI Sean" and we kept walking to the elevator. I glanced backward and he was just standing there looking at us like he couldn't believe we didn't bother him.

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