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Thanks IC, I found it but you probably could have answered it for me in less time than what it took you to send me that link. But that's ok, my attempt at saving myself a few precious moments by getting the answer from you was in vain. And now that I have to make this post to thank you for it, I'm losing even more precious moments. See what you've caused? I'm getting up in age and figure that every keystroke I make reduces my life span a little, but again, that's quite ok as I feel I've lived quite a life already.

Main thing is, I now know that Andy's Son was help*** *** ****** ******** *******!

Thanks again for the link!! You're a good man
Originally posted by Pakrz:
Drug abuse is a personal choice that often comes with grave consequences. Tough times for the parents... but I feel bad for none of 'em.

Your correct, initially it is a choice. At some point in time it can become a dependency.

Even with treatment or long periods of being clean and sober, someone can easily slip back in.

So when I saw the headline on the news I was not surprised. It is tragic for the entire family.

Hug your kids and more importantly listen when they are speaking.
Originally posted by artis:
Originally posted by Pakrz:
Drug abuse is a personal choice that often comes with grave consequences. Tough times for the parents... but I feel bad for none of 'em.

When you're embroiled in a devastating addiction, there is no choice. Sobriety gives an individual that choice again.

I'm not talking about addiction. I'm talking about the first time you decide to smoke meth, abuse prescription meds, inject heroin, cocaine, etc. That is a choice. What do you think is going to happen? Addiction, world spiraling out of control, rock bottom and possibly death.

So yea, note it, mark it down and tattoo that on your forehead if you need to. No sympathy for people that choose that path in life.
Originally posted by Fedya:
If may I ask whether people are afraid to get help for fear of the legal ramifications of admitting to using unapproved substances?

In my experience, no one avoids treatment because what they are doing is illegal ("I would have gone to rehab, but then they might have figured out I was doing coke."), but a lot go to treatment because of getting involved in the legal process (whether forced treatment is as effective as figuring out you require additional support for you addiction is another question).

But no, "because I was doing illegal drugs illegally" is typically not the reason people don't go to rehab.
Originally posted by Pakrz:
Drug abuse is a personal choice that often comes with grave consequences. Tough times for the parents... but I feel bad for none of 'em.

Not sure what's more dazzling, your ignorance or your callousness. Not sure why you'd want to parade either in a public setting.

I suppose tough $hit for parents of kids who commit suicide, too? Or kids who try that first cigarette and end up with lung cancer? Or kids who think it would be a good idea to drive home drunk from a party and end up in 100 pieces?

Hey, it's a choice that often comes with grave consequences. Screw 'em.
There are folks with varioua addictions for reasons many of us cannot even imagine.

As an example, there are folks walking about with a condition referred to as a complete absence of a sense of being (generally caused by chaotic attachment as a newborn). Picture one vast hole and it will not live in a vacuum. So, in the absence of its legitimate need, it's gonna get filled with a counterfeit.

We don't know what it's like to walk in another person's moccasins and so we are not qualified to judge.
Not sure what's more dazzling, your ignorance or your callousness.

Daniel, it's just an opinion, but it gets even better... I also have no time for the following:

- Obese people
- People who harm children
- People who harm animals
- People who scam the welfare/public assistance programs
- People who commit suicide... and get this, my mother committed suicide

It is what it is.
Originally posted by Randy Moss:
Originally posted by mr21mr21:
Pakrz - are you as callous towards alcoholics or is that "different" because booze is a legal drug?
You make an interesting point.

or people because they over eat.
or people that thrill seek
or people that engage in unsafe sex
or people that go to

all of which are addictions in their own right... well except for the last one. I think it's pretty assinine to say you dont feel sorry for someone that died because they made some dumb choices that inevitably led to addiction. There are millions of people suffering from various forms of addiction, to say im devastated by this is not even close to correct, do I have sympathy for someone I havent met.. probably a little, but do I feel for those that I know that have problems like this and think of them in times like this... of course.

I dont think being a conservative or not has anything to do with how pakrz feels about this.. there are jagoffs that are conservatives and liberal, I think that has zero bearing here. Heck, conservative people are much more likely to donate their time and money to charity and volunteer events than liberals, so I think that statement was extremely unwarranted and uneducated.
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