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Originally posted by Tdog:
I didn't read the article and have always admired Koonce and I'm glad he's pursued education. My initial response was just to the phrase "I conclude that playing in the NFL is detrimental to one's life and well-being". There's a lot of less thankful(low pay) jobs out there that take a far greater toll.

Yup, understood!

There are plenty of old-timers that are still living a great life from the money they earned in the NFL & it's not detrimental to their life. They didn't go out & buy cars, hookers & blow. Instead they invested in their families. Shocking concept I know.
I know that some of the UWM faithful were pretty disappointed in how Koonce handled himself when getting the athletic director job there.

The description I got of Koonce at that job was bascially, he liked to spend lots and lots of time texting on his BlackBerry, and was not doing a whole lot of fundraising that he needed to be doing. In fairness to Koonce, they go through Athletic Directors there like a person with a bad cold goes through kleenexes. Still the reviews on how Koonce fared there were not good.

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