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Houston was a hot mess today. He's all over the place. Hornibrook got the whole thing going with accurate in the intermediate areas. That sh*t was there the whole game, but Houston couldn't get it to the receiver on target. 

The only reason you start Houston is if you fear that the opposing defenses will be able to confuse Hornibrook with false pressures and disguised coverages. But Houston gets a quick hook as soon as he misses a few targets. 

El-Ka-Bong posted:

Well, obviously things changed as soon as Horni came in.  He's the antistave throwing catchable balls to guys in stride.  Take the win, own who you are and prepare to beat state.  

Houstave looked terrible the whole 1st half.  I really wanted to like the kid and after LSU had high hopes.  But you just can't miss wide open receivers like he does, not in the B1G.

Switching to a true Frosh at QB would be unusual for Bucky, but you just can't deny the production.  The team seems to rally around him too. 

And hell you cannot deny production. Especially with this D (I think they had a bit of a snooze during the 3rd quarter, but this is a top 10 D in the NCAA).

After watching the poor 1st half my main thought was, this is a top 10 D, but nowhere near O.   We do need to get Fumagali back and Clement, but Horni certainly gives us a much better chance to win IMHO.  

How will Horni perform under pressure?  Not sure, but coming in when he did he seemed cool and calm, and he really throws a nice ball.  That pick was definitely not on him.

Nice win!  F'EM BUCKY!!!!

GBFanForLife posted:

Time for the 5th year Senior to hold the clipboard. You can't afford to waste talent on the sidelines.

You know, that's a great point.   The true Freshmen really came through today.  Between Horni, that TE (pennington or something), Slay(or whatever, despite the fumble I like how he runs), and a few others, this team looks ready to stay at a high level in the B1G West.

With the hell schedule upcoming, **** it, let's just play talant and get them ready.  They are playing the best and it will do nothing but benefit us for the future!

Last edited by Cavetoad

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