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Our Carolina hero child that sucker punched the 62 year old man is Kyle Adam Maraghy. Arrested yesterday. 

Our man Kyle has quite a past. Battery, assault, LSD possession. Put a few Kyles in a stadium and this is what happens. Guys like Kyle get all liquored up and start throwing foil. 

Well done Kyle. You clocked a senior citizen, got arrested, your mug shot went viral, you’re probably losing your job, your rap sheet got a little longer, and you’re a POS. 

Not a chance I’d ever take in a 49er or Raider game. Santa Clara is a war zone. Coliseum in Oakland was getting better but I’ve heard it’s also a place you avoid now that the Raiders are moving. 

It looks like they were going at it verbally - maybe for a while, but we only saw the end of - before the punches were thrown.  And to think I get to 'join the crowd' in that stadium on Dec 17th.  My son-in-law has already purchased the tickets.  

I have been to KC, StL (when the Rams were in town), Nashville, and Detroit, and have had very good experiences with their fans.  The NE fans I met in Boston (I was not at a game) were very respectful and usually said they liked seeing AR play.  I will get to add Chicago & Charlotte this year.  I'll let you know how it goes.  

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