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That's great PackFoo and it will come in handy this year as GB trots out a wide variety of body-types and packages. Many teams are running hybrid defenses, so its often a mix of skillsets and different sized players across the front. Its really hard to see the difference from the normal TV shots, but the subtle differences in alignment matter


Many questions remain, but it will be a different defense. Especially if the DL are lined up as 3-techs instead of 5-techs in base. It helps keep the ILBs cleaner and gives AJ, B. Jones, Barrington, Lattimore a better release vs the run.

If you jam up the middle, that forces teams to run outside, and we've got Perry, Matthews, Peppers waiting for them. So instead of funneling the play towards your lesser players( ILBs), you are funneling the running play toward your studs.

We'll see...




Originally Posted by Satori:


...So instead of funneling the play towards your lesser players( ILBs), you are funneling the running play toward your studs. We'll see... 


Containment has been generally poor over the last couple of years, IMHO. A lot of RBs and a certain QB took advantage of it time and time again.

I'm also not sure this concept takes advantage of our best players. We don't have any speed at any of the LB positions other than Clay and our incoming rookies.

Last edited by Timmy!

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