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GREEN BAY, Wisc. — At his press conference, after he yet again showed why no one is better at this quarterbacking thingmaybe in historyAaron Rodgers decided to zip an insult that was as fast as one of his throws.

"God was a Packers fan tonight," he said.

Rodgers said this with a smirk. He knew exactly what he was doing.

That was a not-so-veiled Jesus burn at Seattle's Russell Wilson, who often says God is a Seahawks fan. It was an unnecessary shot, but it showed that even Rodgers' insults don't miss their targets.

It was just eight months ago when the Packers had one of the more vomit-inducing title game losses of all time. Green Bay's 27-17 win Sunday night won't erase that pain, but it does establish one pertinent, unshakable, undeniable fact: There is no one playing the position better than Rodgers. There may never be anyone who plays it better. Not sure if God could, either.

Rodgers has only 13incompletions this season.Thirteen. Rodgers in the fourth quarter against Seattle was 9-of-9 for 91 yards. He was perfect, and that flawlessness is why they won.

Rodgers is also the reason the Packers are the best team in football now, despite a bevy of flaws and a defense that is still vulnerable. Rodgers covers for so many holes and weaknesses that his nickname should be Lifeboat. Or Escape Pod. He's a living, breathing backup system for an entire team.

I'm not sure what we're seeing. I think we are seeing a player who, in 30 years, everyone will look back and say, "Yeah, that Rodgers guy, the best to ever do it." It could be said in 50 years or 100 or 200. When football is played on the moon, maybe they will say it. That's how good he is.


Full article: Aaron Rodgers, Maybe the Best Ever, Makes Packers the Best Right Now



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I read it right after you posted it, Goldie. Great pull.


Almost better was the fact that someone else posted that same story/link a couple of hours after you did in the Aaron does Jeopardy threat (which lives on as a tribute to his greatness).


I was awash with a lot of contradictory yet amusing x4-driven emotions at that moment.

Last edited by ilcuqui

Really good read. One problem, the author suggests maybe.


Having watched, QB play, since Starr, and Unitas, I've never, seen anyone, play the position, better. - Christopher Walken

Originally Posted by Boris:
At a minimum we need 1 more Lombardi. It's disgusting we didn't do it last season.

I'm not terribly sure which one was more disgusting, going 15-1 and getting housed by the Giants in the Divisional Round or crapping their pants last year.  


Last year probably?  Ugh.  GODDAMMITSOMUCH

Last edited by Timpranillo
Originally Posted by Boris:
Buncha haters not giving Goldie credit.

He needs to keep it going. At a minimum we need 1 more Lombardi. It's disgusting we didn't do it last season.

We will always need 1 more Lombardi.

We are Packer fans!

We are a needful lot.

Originally Posted by Fandame:

I walk on the wild side; I drive a Nissan SUV! And I keep its hoses in great condition!   

That is a nice idea.  But we should do away with the hoses and transport the coolant, fuel, or whatever else goes thru them thru fluid frequencies - so it disappears from one area and re-materializes it in another area - like say from the tank to the engine - figuratively speaking for Boris. 


The football application would be used on ARs passing.  How to complete a pass without really throwing (to a specific target).  AR throws it, the ball disappears, then re-materializes in a receivers hands.  Opponents will rave about how AR throws so hard they couldn't pick up the ball in the air.  It eliminates drops, accuracy issues, and interceptions while improving ARs horrid 77% completion rate to 100%.  NE has nothing on Packer fans when it comes to CT.  HFA here we come.  Let the SB parties begin. 

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