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Some Fans in Green Bay do not Like Ted but the rest of the league sure loves his staff.

Highsmith maybe the next to go this year, Wolf in the future.

I not sure all this love for the Packers Football operations  staff is a good thing for the Packers.

Last edited by turnip blood
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It's definitely not good for the Packers, but it is the price of success.  Who wouldn't want a fiscally responsible team that consistently puts up wins?


Two of the three worst drafts in the TT regime came right after this trend began. Following 3 straight incredible drafts, the 2011 draft was terrible (only Cobb saves it from being a complete embarrassment), and 2012 isn't looking very good either (with half the picks already washed out, and two of the remaining four guys off to very slow career starts).


Hopefully the 2013 draft class is a sign that the scouting department has recovered enough that, when the next guy goes, it won't hurt too badly.



The success of Seattle and KC might have to do with personnel and the GM, scouting, etc.  But alot of Seattle's success has to do with personnel and salary's not being set at market value, due to players performing above expectations, but not being paid for it.  


KC has had talent, and getting a good coach has helped speed the process.  

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