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I think I understand.  MM likes Capers, so Capers isn't going anywhere.  But the thread title is "Gruden".  So what he is saying is that the key to getting rid of Capers is replacing MM with Gruden.  Not so tough to figure out - unless I an wrong. 

Or maybe he's saying this: when Gruden went to Tampa, he took a ready made defense, added his own offensive expertise, and won it all. So fire McCarthy, hire Rex Ryan, he takes a ready made offense and adds his defense and they win the Super Bowl.

1) He's not capers

2) He has better hair than capers

3) He talks tougher than capers

4) His Dad was a bad-ass

5) He's never worked with capers

6) Packerfans aren't sick of him yet

7) The game hasn't passed him by and nobody has figured him out well enough to beat the Jets

8) He would have insisted on trading for Lynch

9) He would never have cut Wahle and Rivera

10) He fondled bert's feet

11) He would cut AJ Hawk before breakfast

12) He's never lost a game for the Packers


Originally Posted by Satori:

4) His Dad was a bad-ass

It's amazing that I've managed to survive on this planet as long as I have, mostly intact. I had no idea that the Ryan brothers belonged to Buddy.

Speaking of things that everybody else probably Austin last Sunday, CBS had the NFC game while fox had two AFC teams playing. Was it alternate universe Sunday and I didn't get the memo.

Apologies for hijacking the thread.....Gruden!!!!
Last edited by bdplant
Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

Anyone know when this bye week thing is supposed to end?


Thanks and I'll take the answer off the air.

This week I'm celebrating a "bi" week. That's right gentlemen line up to the left, ladies to the right, hermaphrodites...

Regarding the link Ka-Bong posted...I can't figure out why the QB just stopped running like the play was over, even though no one touched him.  I guess he figured since the clock was at 00:00, that's the ball game.  The kid will have to remember that moment of failure for the rest of his life.


Glad that wasn't me, did I ever tell you guys about the 4 touchdowns I scored for Polk High School?

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