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I really shouldn't brag...but if noone reads anything in this forum (the lounge), am I really bragging?


This week, I, while vacationing in Colorado, ran (for the most part) up Mt. Evans.  This is the highest paved road in America and the site of an annual road race (Mt. Evans Ascent).  I did not run the actual race, but did attempt to run the same course as the race is run on in June.  The run is 14.5 miles basically all uphill at an average grade of 5%.  The starting elevation is 10,300 ft and the finishing elevation is 14,200 ft.


Being from Wisconsin, I tried to train as best I could, but nothing could have prepared me for the lack of oxygen....even at the start.


Well, I will brag and say that I am just happy to have had the guts to finish it out.  My time was 3 hours and 1 minute (which would have had me finish 9th out of 25 in my age group in the actual race).  The date was Aug 7th and I dealt with high winds, rain and actual snow for the last 5 miles.


Why would I do such a stupid thing you ask?  Well, last time we vacationed in Colorado, I drove up the mountain and was white knuckling it the whole way (very narrow with lots of switchbacks and absolutely no rails or room on the outside).  Well, I joked about buying a t-shirt that said "I made it"...but when I went to the gift shop, it turned out they had those shirts, but they were for people who biked or ran to the top. I thought buying one for driving to the top was sort of cheapening their accomplishments. So, I decided that next time we went out there I would try to make the run.




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At the very same time you did your impressive little jog-----I ran to the Kwik Trip for a pack of smokes and some jerky.


O.K. I ran in from the car---it was misting.


.....I just didn't feel the need to brag about it.

I just edited the op, the final elevation is 14k not 15k....must have been affected by the lack of oxygen.


though, I feel kind of silly bragging after reading about Blair's accomplishment....misting


Nice going, JAPF.  Where is Evans peak?  I know they did something like that up Pike's Peak for years ... did they rename it?


You must have great lungs.  Are you related to Dolly Parton?


When I was younger and used to climb peaks the highest one I climbed was a 12K+ peak in Idaho, though I also tried to South Teton and taller peaks.  But there sure as heck was no way to run up those.  Climb is a more appropriate description.  And at times, it felt more like crawling.  Now just climbing stairs slows me down.  Pathetic, I am.

I recall a multi-family trip to Colorado as a young boy (8-10 yrs old) that included a drive up Pike's Peak. THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE!!!

In addition to the sheer drop-offs and no guard rails as you mentioned, the lack of (real or perceived) oxygen was terrifying! It made such an impression, I never wanted to repeat it. And still don't.

As a teenager, I began to learn of car and motorcycle races up the mountain, which is on it's own level of craziness, but dude...running up the mountain??!!!

Very well done, sir!


Originally Posted by Blair Kiel:

At the very same time you did your impressive little jog-----I ran to the Kwik Trip for a pack of smokes and some jerky.


O.K. I ran in from the car---it was misting.


.....I just didn't feel the need to brag about it.

there are Kwick Trips in Jax?

Originally Posted by PDXPackFan:

congrats...that's awesome, how old are you? (you can PM that if u want.)...being an older casual runner myself, I might be able to relate here. though not at that level.

I am a ripe 52 years and darn proud to have made it this long,

I don't know, JAPF, it looks like you're running downhill in the picture   


Just kidding, congratulations.  That's very impressive.  I ran a 1/2 marathon in San Diego last year, and those hills about killed me, can't impagine doing what you did.


You've earned the right to brag away!!

I was just outside looking at Pikes Peak, it appears in is snowing right now at 14,100 feet.   The PPrace is is held every yr usually around the 4th of July.  Not a race fan but I recall the record is a bit over 8 minutes.  I moved here from Mn and it took a bit to adjust ( I live at about 8500 ft) I think it can take up to 6 months for some folks to get their platelets right.  You may have seen the mudslide/floods videos on the news this past weekend, I live a few miles from there.....quite terrifying.


Bikes make it up in a couple of hours ( 19 miles ) as do runners so ywe goodwe good




Awesome JAPF, 


My wife and I are heading out to CO, in September for the weekend, and I am looking for things to do.  I have never been to the area.  She mentioned yesterday, about this road, I am not dumb enough to run it, but thanks for the heads up.  


Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated, of course we are heading to Red Rocks to see Furthur (living Grateful Dead members).    


Kick ass JAPF!



That really is funny IC.  But, that is clearly not me....I don't have a tatoo.


I have to ask though, are you part elephant.  Everyone else has forgotten about that one post 6 years ago...


...would a 12 pack of doughnuts help you to forget?

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