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I only caught the last 5-10 minutes: Bob Harlan was just on with Jason Wilde. Podcast will be up later today. So unbelievably lucky that as Packers fans we had him leading the team.

- Talked about the stadium expansion(s) then and now.
- RE: Making Sherman GM, said he'd do it over if he could. Also commented that he really didn't have someone else in mind back then, maybe Hatley. After TT was brought in... Mike Sherman-Ted Thompson: "It was a very cold relationship."
- Was asked (paraphrasing) some have said that there were two people that could have effected the Favre situation in '08, Irv and you... thoughts? Would not comment on it. Didn't think it would be fair since he was not involved.

He gave a lot of credit to Wolf and Thompson saying: what Wolf and Thompson have done is equal to what Vince Lombardi did to save the Packers.

Harlan: Somehow, some way, he's got to come back here. Harlan says he thinks Favre fears how fans will react to him for jersey retirement.
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Harlan: Somehow, some way, he's got to come back here. Harlan says he thinks Favre fears how fans will react to him for jersey retirement.

Favre is right for a change. Eff him!
he thinks Favre fears how fans will react to him for jersey retirement.

a true and valid fear. maybe country brent has a lil' smarts left.
I'm not over it. doubt if I'll ever feel like applauding for his jersey retirement. hopefully when/if it's done it's before the game starts so I can continue tailgating until it's over. I haven't been through an ugly divorce but I would guess how I would feel about my ex-wife in such a situation is how I feel about brent: go away, stay away, nothing for you here anymore.
WSSP's facebook page did a impromptu poll of sorts yesterday asking fans if they were "ready" to have Favre's number retired and welcome him back. In a matter of minutes, like 40+ comments.

Vast, vast majority said either no or HELL no. Packer fans are nowhere near forgiving and forgetting.

For the sake of the Packers (I don't give a rat's ass about #4), that ceremony can't happen anytime soon. It would be rather embarassing to have an NFL players number retired amongst 65-70,000 fans who I believe at least half would be booing him. And the other half probably doing nothing at all. Just silent.

It would be one ugly event.
Truthfully, the only way I think most people will be "over" the Favre thing is when Rodgers surpasses his legacy. Packer fans would have less reason to even care at that point.

If Rodgers wins another SB, another MVP, both, or more than one of each, what real reason would anyone have to hold on to the bitterness of Favre's departure?

Kinda like the 90s... the Packers were the nail to the Bears' hammer for a long time. Then they beat them a few times, and then a few more times, and then a few more. Suddenly, the Vikings were the team to hate and the Bears didn't matter as much anymore.
No crap, what the heck is the big hurry anyway?

At least let AR and TT finish their careers without all the crap that comes with Croc boys' hype.

god, I can't believe the short memories people have ... this arse-crack didn't give 2 sh?ts about the fans when he was struttin. He wanted this franchise and the people running it to fail miserably.

We should applaud that? This world has become crazy.

Whats next, letting the Muslim Brotherhood run the UN?
Originally posted by Music City:
If Rodgers wins another SB, another MVP, both, or more than one of each, what real reason would anyone have to hold on to the bitterness of Favre's departure?

Rodgers already proved TT right by winning SB XLV and has equaled Favre's # of Super Bowl wins. But that has nothing to do with the disgust most fans have for Favre.

There are plenty of real reasons to continure seeing Favre as nothing more then a self centered, egotistical, neurotic, pathological lying, douche bag a-hole.

Everything from his never ending retirement BS and subsequent dicking TT and MM around to his pow wow with Matt Millen and the Lions coaches to spill secrets of how to beat the Packers to his declaration that the 2009 Vikings was the best team he'd ever played on to his giving the middle finger to Rodgers and young players like Jennings because he was Lord Favre and therefore you bow down to him and .....

Packer fans don't forget that. And no matter what Rodgers does or how successful he, TT, and MM are going forward NOTHING will minimize or lessen what a f-ing jerk TOG is. I don't care how many years tick by.
It's a sincere hope of mine.

That Brett takes the opportunity to craft a heartfelt, moving apology to Packer fans, former Packer teamates, Ted Thompson, Mike McCarthy, Aaron Rodgers (for being such a self absorbed prick to Aaron when he arrived in GB) at his HOF induction ceremony. I want him to work on that speech for weeks. Until it contains a "sorry" for everyone in GB he screwed over on his way out of town. It has to be perfect!

And then I hope he gets on that stage and delivers that speech.

To a sea of fans wearing #4 Purple Viking jerseys.

That is my hope.
Originally posted by packerboi:
Originally posted by Music City:
If Rodgers wins another SB, another MVP, both, or more than one of each, what real reason would anyone have to hold on to the bitterness of Favre's departure?

Rodgers already proved TT right by winning SB XLV and has equaled Favre's # of Super Bowl wins. But that has nothing to do with the disgust most fans have for Favre.

There are plenty of real reasons to continure seeing Favre as nothing more then a self centered, egotistical, neurotic, pathological lying, douche bag a-hole.

Everything from his never ending retirement BS and subsequent dicking TT and MM around to his pow wow with Matt Millen and the Lions coaches to spill secrets of how to beat the Packers to his declaration that the 2009 Vikings was the best team he'd ever played on to his giving the middle finger to Rodgers and young players like Jennings because he was Lord Favre and therefore you bow down to him and .....

Packer fans don't forget that. And no matter what Rodgers does or how successful he, TT, and MM are going forward NOTHING will minimize or lessen what a f-ing jerk TOG is. I don't care how many years tick by.

I couldn't agree more. I hope they never retire his jersey. He is not deserving.
Harlan taking the high road as usual.

As fans, we're not as forgiving... and 'yes' we do understand what he meant to the organization & the community. He flushed it all down the toilet when he tried to play the "I'm bigger than the team" card in July/August of 2008
From the article that Tdog linked:
Bob Harlan thought he had the perfect opportunity for prodigal son Brett Favre to begin reconnecting with the Green Bay Packers organization he came to embody during his 16 years as the team’s star player.

But much to the retired Packers president’s disappointment, he does not expect the iconic quarterback to return to Green Bay for former head coach Mike Holmgren’s induction into the Packers Hall of Fame on July 21.

...Harlan said he suggested to the Hall of Fame that Favre be among the invitees for Holmgren’s induction dinner, which will be held at the Lambeau Field atrium on that Saturday night. Holmgren, who coached the 1996 team – led by Favre – to the Super Bowl XXXI title, is the lone inductee this year.

But Harlan said the Hall of Fame reached out to Favre’s agent, James “Bus” Cook, and does not expect Favre to attend.

This really does say it all. If he hadn't already been busted at Brandi's meth lab, Favre would be collecting unemployment checks waiting for another trucking gig right now if it wasn't for Holmgren.
Originally posted by Boris:
Harlan taking the high road as usual.

As fans, we're not as forgiving... and 'yes' we do understand what he meant to the organization & the community. He flushed it all down the toilet when he tried to play the "I'm bigger than the team" card in July/August of 2008

That to me sums it up nicely. We as Packer fans root for the Green Bay Packers the TEAM not the GB Favre's or GB Rodgers. When you give the entire GB Packer nation the collective finger Bert guess what? we will give it right back to you!
Rodgers already proved TT right by winning SB XLV and has equaled Favre's # of Super Bowl wins. But that has nothing to do with the disgust most fans have for Favre.

I agree. I'm just talking about the emotions of it. I think if Rodgers continues on his current path, the sting of Favre's thing will pale to the glory of Rodgers' career accomplishments. At that point, Packer fans will simply say f-it... Rodgers was better anyway. His star was brighter anyway...
By the way Johnson and perhaps Wilde visit this board. Johnson pretty much said so without identifying x4 as the board they read yesterday. A lot of times they will comment on what they read here.
Suspecting that they read this board I would like to say to them that you guys never talk about the Packers.
I accusing them of never talking about the Packers on their show since it seems to hack them off. Since it does bother them, accusing them of talk about everything except the Packers is worth the time and effort.
One more thing, I can write anything I want Wilde, it is my dang post.
Last edited by turnip blood
The Packers' brass needs to stop pushing this "Packers-Favre" reconciliation thing. It's way too early for this to happen. Packer nation is not over the bitter divorce, and neither is he.

I'd bet money that Brent won't set foot inside Lambeau as long as Thompson and McCarthy are associated with the team. It would be just like him to "accept" an invitation to some event, and then not show up out of spite.

I respect Bob Harlan to no end, but the message from all parties is clear--DROP IT!
As a mature, responsible, and grateful adult who owes Mike Holmgran a ridiculous amount of gratitude, of course the right thing to do would be for him to get on a plane and be there for Mike as he's inducted into the Packer's HOF. And once again through Bob Harlan the Packers are giving him yet another olive branch.

As great of a QB he was, and without a doubt a deserving 1st ballot HOFer, let's not forget he was also left for dead in ATL where Glanville wrote him off as a drunken bafoon and nothing more.

But of course. That's not Brent. Brent will be thinking about what he's become known to think of. Himself.
Originally posted by packerboi:
Why do they have to go through his agent? Gimme a break I'm pretty sure the Packers know his phone number. Did Deanna take away his cell? Lord Favre can't take his own calls? Roll Eyes

The Packers probably need to go thru Bus because TOG wants to be paid to show up. You know, that whole $20 million personal appearance gig and all.
Originally posted by turnip blood:
By the way Johnson and perhaps Wilde visit this board. Johnson pretty much said so without identifying x4 as the board they read yesterday.

I don't think Johnson was on the show yesterday... thought I heard Wilde and Heilprin.
Originally posted by Hungry5:
Originally posted by turnip blood:
By the way Johnson and perhaps Wilde visit this board. Johnson pretty much said so without identifying x4 as the board they read yesterday.

I don't think Johnson was on the show yesterday... thought I heard Wilde and Heilprin.

Then it was Wilde that said he reads Packer forums. That is even better since he gets mad easier then Johnson. So with that said it is time to say "they never talks about the Packers on Green and Gold today".
Last edited by turnip blood
Originally posted by Music City:
I agree. I'm just talking about the emotions of it. I think if Rodgers continues on his current path, the sting of Favre's thing will pale to the glory of Rodgers' career accomplishments. At that point, Packer fans will simply say f-it... Rodgers was better anyway. His star was brighter anyway...

I think it's going to just be time more than anything. Time and some kind of apology (something that passes as sincere even if it isn't) to all the cheeseheads out there that he crapped on in 2009.

Rodgers future success or lack of success should mean very little here.
Also from the above linked article:
...but in a short meeting I had with him before that conference...he was extremely tense and seemed very tired. And I thought Deanna, his wife, seemed the same way...

Hmmmm...or maybe Lord Favre had been busted by his ol' lady, and she was raggin' his ass.
Just sayin'.
Originally posted by tsr86free:

Whats next, letting the Muslim Brotherhood run the UN ALEC run the United States?


NewsFlash: Thats been happening since the country's inception ... Happy 4th of July.

BTW, I don't condone it, I respect it. We are a republic not a democracy.
Only a real revolution can change it now, blood and all. Everything and everyone has been bought including the precious do-gooders. JMO.

But I digress.
Rodgers future success or lack of success should mean very little here.

I disagree. Maybe you're right that an apology or something might be needed- to me I doubt it happens, and really any apology to me would be disingenuous anyway. But Rodgers' success will go long way for Packer fans to not give a F anymore about Favre. Iguess that's what I mean.

It would be great to have Rodgers enter the Packer HOF before Favre. Would't that be something?
on the radio yesterday evening Harry Sydney had a different perspective and I'll hafta go along with him. Harry said brent may well have declined because then the honor and the night would not belong solely to Holmgren like it should. Harry said the circus would be in town and Holmgren wouldn't be the focus of the nite's honor. I can go along with that.

But as my friend said, then bert should make a public statement as such and not leave anyone wondering. You hear that HillBilly? Get 'r done.
I am FIRST a Packer fan. I consider myself very, very fortunate to have witnessed the careers of Bart Starr, Brett Favre, & now Aaron Rodgers. I could have only hoped that all three would have the character to match their on field accomplishments. This is all about the one who did not.

I agree with ChilliJon, an apology is necessary to kick start his reacceptance. For all Favre did & said, this will be a requirement. It is posible that Favre doesn't understand that most Packer fans are Packer fans - and his comments and actions showed how much he disrespects the very thing that the fans hold dear.

I also agree with others who think that it wouldn't hurt for Favre to accept friendly Packer gatherings like the Packer HOF Inductions.

For Favre, he was very short sighted. He should have realized that he might have to face the Packer fans again and will want to return one day to retire as a Packer. If Murphy & Co. thinks that his jersey can be retired in 2 years they are delusional. I know none of us are perfect, and we should forgive each other, but the way he left and the things he said will forever taint anything that happens for him in GB. Just the way it is.
Originally posted by justanotherpackerfan:
Wilde doesn't read hear....if he did he'd be using Kiel's and Goalline's material all the time.

He lacks the sheer genius to pull it off...okay, he's straight.
Originally posted by Music City:
I disagree. Maybe you're right that an apology or something might be needed- to me I doubt it happens, and really any apology to me would be disingenuous anyway.

I'd have a hard time believing him if he did apologize. He's not a very good actor. The last thing he said/did that I actually believed was his first retirement PC. It was only believable because he actually meant it at that moment. I also thought he'd get the itch to return later that year. I wish I had been wrong.
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by justanotherpackerfan:
Wilde doesn't read hear....if he did he'd be using Kiel's and Goalline's material all the time.

He lacks the sheer genius to pull it off...okay, he's straight.


Wait a sec.

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