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As this is an important issue, I don't want this to get missed in the Brewers forum.   


Our fellow poster, GBP1 spent a whole $20 because he wanted to listen to some good baseball this summer.  And, as we all unfortunately know, that has not been the case.   GBP1 had a brilliant thought, that I think all of us are thinking -  the players and management of the Brewers should refund him (and all season ticket holders) some money for their poor performance.  I mean, it's so simple, it's one of those "why didn't we think it" moments, right?  As noble and logical that thought is, we all know those greedy, selfish, uncaring players and management types will never do this.  


So, in response, I've done  what I can and started a Go Fund Me to right this wrong.


Background of GBP1's plight is here.


GBP1, your story has inspired me.


Come on x4 Brewer (and Packer) fans, we can do this.  We can help one of our own!


Refund GBP1's worst $20 spent ever



Last edited by Timpranillo
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Until that carny pays me back or gives me the damn REO Speedwagon mirror, I will know GBP1's pain.  (I'm the one in the middle, of course)


Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

Until that carny pays me back or gives me the damn REO Speedwagon mirror




Ten effing dollars between you and achieving total consciousness

So you got that going for ya. Which is nice...

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