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Here we are with slightly more than 72 hours to go till Kick-off of the Super Bowl.

For the better part of two weeks now the Steelers fans have not come here talking any type of trash. That is sooooo different from their cousins across the state in Philly.

Granted I have not opened up half the threads in the last two weeks but I think I can say with a great deal of confidence that x4 has not been attacked by a bunch of trash talking types that regularly happens with games against the likes of dallas, philly, or some others.

So hats off to the Steelers crowd.

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Every Steeler fan I have talked to has a tremendous amount of respect for the Packers and their organization.

Also, I sent the picture of the dog crapping on the Steeler logo to a friend of mine. His response?? "That is unacceptable!!" hahahha

After the Packers win over Atlanta, I called the same friend up and told him I want to beat the Bears & then play the Steelers in the Super Bowl.

He said to me, "I want nothing to do with Green Bay." He wanted to play the Seahawks. LOL!

I told him, I wanted to play the best and have the opportunity to beat the best.

I got my wish. Beat the Bears, now we get the chance to play the 12-4 (14-4)Steelers.
Living and working here in Pittsburgh has made the last 2 weeks very interesting. No one has been trash talking anywhere - at work, on the radio, etc. There's a ton of respect for the Packers here in this town.

My impression is that the average fan here knows far more about football and their team than than the fans of any other team (except us Packer fans, of course).

My dentist said something interesting today - something like this is the closest you can get to the Steelers playing the Steelers.
Originally posted by phaedrus:
Originally posted by The GBP Rules:
Doesn't this board require a payment to sign up now?

Go to a board that doesn't require a donation to join. You'll get an entirely different perspective. No better than any other group, trust me.
And the Seahawks were so royally screwed.

I think the three finest fan bases are Green Bay, Pittsburgh, and Kansas City.

Not real familiar with Kansas City fans I see. You have your die-hard loyals, but it is definitely a bandwagon fan base.....not to the extent of the Vikings, but not anywhere close to the same level of the Pack or Steelers.
The Steelers are old NFL. Remember? Decades ago they used to be in the NFL, now the NFC. But with the league merger they were moved to the AFL to form the AFC. That is one point that never gets mentioned when the media talks about the dominance of the AFC. The AFC got several established NFL teams: Steelers, Browns, Baltimore Colts.

I have never been a big Steeler fan since they are AFC now. But I remember them from the old, old years. They werent very good way back then.
Originally posted by Pakrz:
I know two diehard Steeler fans. Both are class acts. I know several Bear fans. It's 50-50. I know a ton of Viking fans. Most of d-bags. It is what it is.

I know 7 Steeler fans personally - including my brother, who was born in 1971 and grew up when the Steelers were doing all the winning and getting all the press. Now that he knows better, he is still a Steeler fan - win some, lose some. But all are very respectful and will introduce me as a Packer fan to others. They also like to talk football. And all that have talked with me have indicated that they are excited that the 2 teams have gotten together in the SB.

I have a sister-in-law who is a die hard Viking fan and doesn't talk about it in a reasonable tone at all. I avoid her because a contentious conversation like that benefits no one.

The few Bear fans I encounter are good to talk with.

And all the Ram fans I encounter have realistic outlooks on their situation. Most are Packer fans this weekend.

And the one Lions fan I know works for me. And he always has positive comments about GB - go figure.
I went to the Steelers/Packers game last year. I was decked out in my "bloodline" jersey, and went to a sweet tailgate, set up by my g/f's family who are all Steeler fans. Had a good time, talked about Bubby Brister, and most everyone would "BOOO" me, but was a fun atmosphere. All recognized and respected the Packers.

Now, getting to our seats, before I sat down, I had some AA's thrown at me, as well as a beer "spilled" on me. I got up, and basically told the dude "really...... its going to be like that". Many of the Steeler fans surrounding me, "BOO'D" me, but most of them got on that cat, and his behavior. So, my take is most are pretty CLASSY!!!!!! It was a CRAZY game, and lots of back and forth..... hopefully we get a game like that on Sun, with a diff result.
I always had a healthy respect for the Steelers and have rooted for them at times during the years.

Unfortunately with Roethlisberger on that team, it's really hard to respect them or have any good feelings for them at all. He's a great football player, and a truly pathetic human being.

As for fans themselves, I used to know a few people out in Pittsburgh and thought they were a cool bunch of people. Their fans are excellent.

The worst group of fans I've ever encountered were the St. Louis Rams fans that invaded this board back in 2001. That was the most pathetic bunch of losers I have ever encountered. I'm sure those idiots are cowering under rocks somewhere waiting for their team to get good again so they can come out and crow about them again. I wouldn't be sad if that sorry franchise and their pathetic fans just got sucked into a giant sinkhole in the earth.
They may be classy, but they're pretty gutless. I've tried to register at a couple of their message boards this past week so I could talk football with their fans, and they won't approve my registrations. It's not like they're getting hammered by trolls, either - neither of these boards has more than a couple of Packer fans on it, and they're being very respectful at that. But they apparently don't want anyone else signing up. Pretty cowardly, if you ask me. And here I thought Pittsburgh was supposed be a tough town...
Originally posted by Salmon Dave:
They may be classy, but they're pretty gutless. I've tried to register at a couple of their message boards this past week so I could talk football with their fans, and they won't approve my registrations. It's not like they're getting hammered by trolls, either - neither of these boards has more than a couple of Packer fans on it, and they're being very respectful at that. But they apparently don't want anyone else signing up. Pretty cowardly, if you ask me. And here I thought Pittsburgh was supposed be a tough town...

Steeler fans are very nervous. The past two SB wins have not come against a fan base and team history like Green Bay. This is new to them. My wifes brother is a lifelong Steeler fan. He's been pretty under the radar.

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