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Yuni Betancourt and the Milwaukee Brewers continue to plumb the depths of how amazingly horrible a professional baseball player can be, and still get trotted out there almost every day.

Quick highlights:
"If the Brewers will just keep playing him every day, and he can maintain this pace, he will become the first player since Bill Bergen more than 100 years ago to score SIX CONSECUTIVE SEASONS of negative WAR."

"This year, he’s hitting .213/.242/.366, which is amazing, especially that .242 on-base percentage. He has walked eight times this year, but even that’s deceiving because two of them were intentional. One of the intentional walks led to a walk-off single by a 30-year-old backup catcher and pinch hitter named Blake Lalli who is a .128 hitter in his 40 career big league at-bats. That makes me so happy."
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...and then Francisco drives in 3! I agree with these two along with everybody else. Many (including me) have thought 'why not give Morris the gig?' but this is from JSO this morning:

There's an easy answer as to why the Brewers haven't been tempted to call up Morris: They don't think he's ready to face major-league pitchers just yet and don't want to harm his development by throwing him to the wolves too soon.

Entering Saturday, Morris was batting .243 for the Sounds with a .325 on-base percentage and .490 slugging percentage. And this is in a circuit β€” the Pacific Coast League β€” in which 27 hitters were batting .300 or better. link

This is exactly why I mentioned throwing Rickie over there to platoon until Hart comes back. Yuni, Francisco, MartyMaldo, AGonz are all guys who had little to no experience playing the position...why not Rickie for a few games?

This Hart injury has really been baffling. First he was to be out until early May (can understand patch working it at 1B). Then until Memorial Day (can live with patch working it). Now since it will be after the All-Star break, I suspect the Crew wishes they would have gone with another option.
I just don't get why Betancourt is even on this team anymore. They got rid of him once, but I swear to God this guy has compromising pictures of Doug Lemvin or something, because he just keeps coming back.

Juan Francisco isn't any better at first. He's got power, but his strikeout rate would make even Rickie Weeks say "damn". 55 whiffs in 138 AB's for 2013.

We really need to bring Sean Halton up from AAA Nashville, and give him a shot. I've read that the Brewers want a guy with more power than Halton's shown thus far, but I'm absolutely flummoxed that he hasn't at least gotten a look.

Milwaukee first basemen in 2013 have a .503 OPS. That's just about the worst I've ever seen for any position on any Major League team. Halton, in the last ten games, is hitting over .500 with 3 HR and 9 RBI, and a 1.440 + OPS. He's hitting .290 for the season, with 9 HR and 29 RBI in about 200 AB's. The guy was the starting first baseman before Hunter Morris was moved up from Huntsville. He's got size (6'4" 260 lbs), and I think he would provide a nice boost until Corey Hart comes back (that is, if he ever does). He certainly can't do worse than what we've been trotting out there on a nightly basis.
Originally Posted by Tschmack:
 Personally, I'd really look to start trading guys including Yo.  If they could get a package similar to what they got for Greinke I'd jump all over that because this is a 100 loss team.

Do you think other teams will think Gallardo (especially how he's been pitching) is as valuable as Greinke? I don't. And thanks to the dui he's probably seen as a greater off-field risk now.


Gallardo is worth something to someone, I suppose, but not aything close to what they got for Greinke. 

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