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Anybody catch the HOF ceremony last night?  It's a bit different watching these ceremonies when some of the players going in are younger than you.  Damn it!


I have never been a fan of Cris Carter.  I always thought he was a whiney prick and hey, he was a Viking so that sealed it for me.  Years ago when the Saints held camp in LaCrosse, I was there on a day they scrimmaged the Vikings.  I remember Carter walking off the field with Viking fans lined up.  I was standing next to a kid wearing a Viking jersey who asked Carter for an autograph.  Carter had a towel on his head, looked up and said "pfft" as he walked by.  Not impressed.  That said, he had the best hands I've seen on a receiver and I thought his HOF speech was genuine, from the heart and sincere.  I gained a little more respect for him last night. 


Sapp was Sapp.  I tend to like him more than other fans but he's a showboat and a braggart....always will be.  Hell of a football player though. I get tired of hearing about "Da U" and all the other BS that resolves around the Hurricane program.  


Ogden presented himself well I thought.  Unreal that he first two picks in Raven history are/will be HOF players.  Ozzie Newsome hit the lottery there. 


To me, the highlight of the ceremony was Bill Parcells.  He showed in 15 minutes (or so) why he was a great coach.  I like his no BS demeanor the way he conducts his business.  Out of everything he said, for some reason I was most impressed that he recognized his secretary staff.  I've never heard that before on a stage like that.  Everybody always thanks God, their mama, siblings and old coaches....  



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Originally Posted by Boris:
That is funny Ghost.

Try hitting the enter key a couple times then go back & highlight what you want to quote. I know what you're talking about.

Time for football!!

Well - it worked this time.  But before as this time I clicked on the "reply with quote" button.  Maybe this time it was the "help" I got from my 13 month old grand daughter.  She was wanting to "contribute" to the post. 

Boris thanks for your help - which was the real help.  I will keep your words of wisdom in mind for the next time it happens. 

Never could stand Sapp.  He's a classic bully and I've heard some pretty disappointing off the field stuff in regards to his treatment of other human beings.


That said, at least he has some repect for the game and was appreciative of where he ended up.  I'll never like him, but I'd say he did a decent job with his presentation, at least what I saw of it.

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