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Sendicks in Brookfield still has flank or skirt at $4.99 lb. either fresh or frozen. call ahead sometimes cuz they usually will only have between 4 to 6 as they use most for the ground beef.

whenever in area i call ahead and get about 8 to 12 of them. kids love em as they can cook em too on foreman grill.

stores charging 7.99 to 8.99 i just shake my head.
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:

I was asking about beef, but what does bison say about you?

Bison is so lean that you have to pay attention. It can go from med rate to med well quickly. Medium is about the right range (no pun intended) for bison.

That's all I would eat if it wasn't so damn expensive.

Skirts are good braised or marinated, then pop them into a hot cast iron or grill.

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