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From Ask Vic at

Derek from Davenport, IA

Q: Hey, Vic, every week during the season my dad says he has a bad feeling about the game. If we play a good team, he expects us to lose, and if we play an underdog, it's a trap game. I've tried to get him to just enjoy each week's game, but nothing seems to work. What would be your advice for him?

A: "Tell him to say nothing. Words are meaningless and nothing any of us can do or say is going to impact the outcome. All we have to do is watch. Prepare yourself to watch. Absolve yourself of responsibility for the outcome.

You'll feel better.

What I think you'll find is that the calm you'll feel heading into the game will allow you to more fully enjoy the game, and I think you'll find that you'll be able to participate with others in their enjoyment of the game.
Nobody wants to watch a game with a Debbie Downer."

Read it, know it, live it
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Wow. Whoda thunk that a message of 'don't make an ass of yourself during games to the point where reasonable people want nothing to do with you' would be pretty much ignored here?

REAL fans know how to keep it together during games. That's why game threads are always oozing with profundity.


Originally posted by bubbleboy789:
I started to notice that when I was by myself, I usually tend to get angrier. That's when the masturbating in front of the picture window occurs. Never good.

Sorry. I usually just duck down a bit. Looks like you're roughing up your cat instead.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by bubbleboy789:
I started to notice that when I was by myself, I usually tend to get angrier. That's when the masturbating in front of the picture window occurs. Never good.

Sorry. I usually just duck down a bit. Looks like you're roughing up your cat instead.

I for 1 am much more comfortable watching a game with @ QB rather than TOG. I was always thinking TOG was going to throw a pick on almost every pass, especially if it was a crucial 3rd or 4th down. With I never worry anymore.
I wrote this a few years back for Boris' Times Four front page. Does it apply here?

The Slant

There are all types of fans

What Kind of Game-Day Fan are You?

It’s 11:45 on a Sunday morning and my house is preparing for the worst. The kids have all strategically asked to go to friends homes for the afternoon. They have even asked to be picked up by the friend’s parents…..just in case a traffic slow down forces them to be in the car with me at noon or (gasp) later. The wife has locked herself in the basement, she has all her game supplies with her…snacks, drinks, headphones, a tranquilizer gun….you know, the basics. The dog….well she usually disappears sometime around Friday night and doesn’t reappear till Tuesday evening. There was the one time she came back on a Monday…remember the Bear game last year…she does.

Yes, I’m, what I affectionately like to call, a “type- P Personality”. All week long, I’m a normal human being. I’m friendly, kind to animals and small children. I work hard. Sure there’s the occasional daydream…interrupted by sudden shouts of “throw the ball already you idiot” or “I can’t believe he missed that tackle”, but generally, during the week you couldn’t tell me from any other member of normal society.

But for 3 hours every weekend (or Monday night) of the Fall and Winter I take on a totally different personality…..yes, even during the bye week…but that’s another story. I pace; we recently put in new hard wood flooring, hopefully it will take longer to wear a path into that than the last 3 carpets. I scream; sometimes incoherently, sometimes angrily, sometimes joyously, but always loudly. I hide my eyes; because watching a play may make the results different than what I want. I’ve even been known to lock myself in the bathroom, cover my ears and sing Mr. Roboto for two minutes and then come back out to see what happened. It may sound silly, but I have still never seen 4th and 26, and am proud of it.

What is fan short for?

So the question is…are you also a type-P personality? If so, maybe I have just the thing for you, my new 4 step program.

Step 1: Lock yourself in a room with nothing but a TV and VCR and watch the 2007 NFC Championship game over and over again until you can sit calmly through the whole thing. I personally have not attempted this due to the fact that I destroyed my tape of that game seconds after the final Giant field goal crossed the goal post. The VCR and TV were destroyed shortly there after.

Step 2: Develop a simple, yet, relaxing mantra to repeat throughout the game, as you watch it. Something like; “It’s only a game…it’s only a game…it’s only one game…its only one game out of 16…it’s only an important game…it’s only the most important game today…it’s only everything….” Needless to say, I am working on a new mantra.

Step 3: Acupuncture. I don’t know if this will help at all, but I saw a special report about it during the Olympics and it looked really neat.

Step 4: Accept it…take pride in who and what you are. It’s good to be a fan, hey, fan is short for fandango (bet you thought I was going to say fanatic). If the way you show your love for the Packers is by being explosive and volatile…that’s just fine. Who needs to have neighbors that like you? The kids will get over it, with a little therapy. New furniture or windows aren’t that expensive. If it’s what you have to do to watch a game, then do it.

That’s my advice, I hope you take heed and it makes your life as a Packer fan that much better. If it does, could you do me a favor and forward me the number of a good divorce lawyer.
.....we were waiting for a Cliff notes version, but alas, it's not to be.

japf..... please remember, the longest thing anybody at X4 is willing to read is a Bazooka comic.
When I watch the game at home, by myself, I will pause the game for 20 minutes at a time, so that I can skip commercials - but it's important to me (for reasons I can't fully explain) that I always be caught up to real time by the end of the game.

When I have friends over, I find any excuse I can to rewind the game so that a commercial cushion builds up. Did he step over the line? Rewind and look. Did you see what Matthews was doing on the bench? Rewind and look. Did you see that hot girl in the stands? Rewind, pause and look.

I don't live where I can attend many games, and the commercials get pretty repetitive by about the third quarter of week one. Anything I can do to avoid them is good for my sanity.
Ha Ha ! That's great boxed up and I play the same dvr game myself

I couldn't possibly tape a game and watch it 4 hours later; I have to be close to real time, but I loathe the incessant ****ing commercials
Noon game - Start drinking Saturday night
3:30 game - a little later Saturday night.
Sunday night game - Still Saturday night.
Monday night - Sunday at 8am because nothing is worse than waiting until Monday night.

Thanksgiving games are downright sloppy.
Originally posted by boxedup:
When I watch the game at home, by myself, I will pause the game for 20 minutes at a time, so that I can skip commercials - but it's important to me (for reasons I can't fully explain) that I always be caught up to real time by the end of the game.

Have never done it for a Packer game, but always do it for mid-day Badger games so I can spend more time puttering in the yard....

....also do need to catch-up to real time by game's end.
I don't change channels during Packer games even to watch other games because for some reason I think it's a jinx. Also because my uncle use to say "Why do you give a crap what other teams are doing?? If the Packers take care of business it doesn't matter what other teams do." He would also encourage "impetuous"when it came to cheering and clapping for games in his basement because he said that it would travel from home to home eventually making its way to Green Bay or wherever they were playing that day.

Never have DVR'd a game. No idea why. I used to always watch pre game back in the days of Irv Cross and Brent Musberger. Now I can't stand the sh#%. Always sit it the same seat at home for the most part and always try to revolve a meal around a game. I used to NEVER drink during games because I was already so wound up. As Ive gotten closer to 40 Ive started to drink more regularly. Don't know if it helps or not. I dislike watching games in bars because I don't like other fans random comments or celebrations. I actually really prefer to watch games alone, but have also loosened this stance as I've gotten older. I love listening to WTMJ post game after victories for 3 hours and have become a big fan of watching Jen Lada on Fox's post game. Tom Pippens excluded.
I also don't like watching games in a bar, some guy telling me how he hopes Clifton can get healthy or become the line coach.

Also don't want to watch the game with my wife. She doesn't care for sports and that works fine. Kids are young enough that they can play cars and dolls while I watch the game. My daughter still remembers when I jumped off the couch when Raji turned the INT into a TD.

I like chat sometimes, but DISH is a little behind the live broadcast so sometimes people are shouting things that don't make sense to me in the matrix.

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