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Triplette is the worst official amongst the regular guys. I have no doubt that the NFL was trying to punish the Packers and make a point by assigning him to their game the very week after guys like Lang and Matthews raised such a stink over the replacement clowns. Outside of the Packers game today, the officials did a very good job making fast, non-bonehead calls that kept the games moving along at a good pace. It's worth noting that Triplette has been officiating games for the NFL since 1996, and he's never done a Super Bowl.
I had to watch the Panthers/Falcons for the early game, and the crew there did an excellent job. Game was smooth, calls were legit, and they correctly ruled the replays.
Based on that, I'd have to say it was the crew at our game.
Originally posted by Timmy!:
I had to watch the Panthers/Falcons for the early game, and the crew there did an excellent job. Game was smooth, calls were legit, and they correctly ruled the replays.
Based on that, I'd have to say it was the crew at our game.
I was watching RedZone and the Jets-49ers game, and there weren't any that really stood out to me. Triplette is by far the worst (and one that clearly has no business in the NFL), but Ron Winter and Ed Hochuli have sub-par crews that sometimes skate on the edge of being worthy of a pink slip.
Triplette is the worst official amongst the regular guys.

After seeing those bad calls in the NO game I have to agree with you,how do they see something on the replay that proves they are wrong on the calls and still not reverse the calls?its getting downright sickening Mad
How or why the NFL hasn't come to the conclusion that the NCAA handles reviews much better than they do is beyond me.

Having a ref look at a review himself and potentially having to admit someone on his crew screwed up shouldn't be happening.

Looking at the drop by Graham a second time then telling me he caught it was bad.

Simply deciding Sprowles was down by contact because you and your crew completely lost control in that situation was worse.
I was so ticked when they got in that huddle and said Sproles was down by contact. I kept yelling "They made it up, they just made it up!" because that's the only logical explanation anyone could reach. There was never a whistle, nobody ever did the over the top pointing to the ground gesture, none of that.

Even if McCarthy had a challenge left they likely wouldn't have gotten the ball because of the "you have to get clear possession before the scrum" rule.

The Graham call was horrible as well. How they could see that and say that it was a catch on the replay is beyond me. As I recall that was the same drive that the Saints had the 6 plays inside the 10 yard line drive. On the post game show Bill Johnson kept claiming it was the "Bert Emmanuel" rule, which was absurd.
Even if McCarthy had a challenge left they likely wouldn't have gotten the ball because of the "you have to get clear possession before the scrum" rule.

Exactly. I don't believe the refs bothered to even figure out who actually had possession. They likely would have told MM that the play was ruled dead and was no longer reviewable. Horrible call no matter how you slice it.
Missed the game but saw the clips last night. On the Sproles fumble they really blew that in many ways, but mostly IMO they missed seeing Sproles laying on the turf, out of the pile, without the ball, trying to get it back.

After the game, I told Triplette (my seats border the tunnel the refs use) "I can't wait until Roger Goodell can bench your ass" He looked up and started to say something, and then thought better of it and ran into the locker room area. We were all over the side and back judges all night after the push off no call. When Jennings caught the TD pass, we told them that's what a TD looks like when a player doesn't push off. The back judge actually nodded in agreement. I have never been able to get any sort of reaction from an NFL ref (and I have sure tried). They were definitely off their game.
I've never seen a ref lose control like Triplette did at CM3. I don't know what Clay said or did (kind of looked like taunting and/or messing with the Saint on the ground), but Triplette lost control and pushed Clay. Not only is it completely unprofessional it's downright dumb to push a guy who is 24 and 6'4" and 255 lbs. when you're a middle aged guy who isn't a professional athlete. He's lucky it was a smart guy like Clay and not some hothead like Kyle Turley who would have decked him and taken the suspension.
In looking at the replay it appears that CM3 was pulling a NOS player out of the pile just before Triplette stepped in.

** EDIT ** actually it was Francois who was pulling on the legs of a NOS. CM3 was just in the vicinity - stupid move by Triplette.
Last edited by H5
What we need is a poorly made foreign B movie scene to accurately capture what its like for an NFL head coach with Triplette calling the game. Kind of like this one with the woman starring as Triplette.

Originally posted by Tdog:
Thanks for that my fellow Dog. tripping triplette... whatta screwball

Seconded. After last week how could they give us this crew? Sigh! This was my first Lambeau game in 6 years annd the knobs almost ruined it.
I am basically the Lambeau voice of the angry Packer fan at home games. I was happy to give it to Triplette, though, maybe I shouldn't have started before the game. Maybe he wasn't mad at Clay, maybe he was mad at me Wink I must admit, I sure love having seats where people on the field can actually hear what I am saying...

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