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Sorry if I brag a bit, but I'm so excited that I want to share my success with everyone as an example for those of you that think you can't do it!

Sunday evening January 15th I decided finally, for my well being and to set a solid example for my kids, I quit. Cold Turkey. Only way to really do it IMHO. You have to decide to do it, and without any help, any weening, just go ahead and do it.

It's been almost 2 weeks and I can say that I feel better, I'm less irritable, and I feel healthier. I don't miss it. I have no cravings.

Almost 2 weeks without turning on ESPN on the television or radio even once and I haven't missed any important sports information. I've gotten scores and highlights online and from other places. If there are highlights that are worthy, they always make the Internet.

  • You will not miss a thing. Every other sports source has the facts and stats and data and results you need.
  • Online provides a vast trove of spots for analysis. If you really need someone to tell you what to think, or tell you something stupid just to make you mad, there are hundreds of place to visit.
  • Here's the thing though... I am smart. I understand sports. I don't need Hoge or Bruschi or Bayless to tell me what I should think.
  • Dan Patrick is a great alternative if you prefer listening to sports talk on the radio.

You can do it! Believe in yourself. You will be better off for it.

We all will.
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Credos. All you need to do now is quit meth and shaved midgets and you're all set. One thing at a time, though.

The only things I watch on BSPN these days are live games. Otherwise, there's no point. I'm just not into listening to sports talk radio in the morning as that's usually when I have conference calls, but I will say that I like the Petros and Money show in the afternoons - good natured, civil and not geared towards incendiary stupidity designed to prompt reactions from droolers.

Stay strong. I'm sure you'll have your detractors, but don't listen to them.
Nothing, but ESPN the last two weeks. I am so much smarter. Since then I have discovered that I have now designated all my opinions as fact. Also, I realize now that I know more about the game than the GM's and coaches who spend 20 hours a day studying their craft. Perhaps, if those idiots spent that time watching ESPN they would be as smart as me. BTW, here are afew facts.

A. TD is right. Every NFL game is decided by the refs.
B- TT sucks
C. Chickenboy and Diggr. These two guys are never rong.
D. I miss the icon.
I'll fully admit that in the days following the Packer/Giants game I stayed the hell away from ESPN and other sports related shows. I did start watching Mike and Mike in the morning on ESPN this week on occasion and they've been tolerable to watch and listen to. For the most part though I have listened to local Wisconsin related sports shows when they've been on.

I probably won't be watching too much ESPN getting ready for the Super Bowl, or immediately post-Super Bowl, as this year's Super Bowl is going to be one of my least favorites of all time. Man do I wish either Baltimore or San Fran had gotten in.
o I said good bye, now I have and antenna and still pull in about 16 channels. I am offically a MeTV and Antenna TV junkie!!!

me too but I pulled the plug in the late 1990s when cable went to $50 a month for the same damn thing I had started out getting at $25. very liberating and I have $600 more in my pocket every year. don't miss it one dam bit.
I find Mike and Mike in the morning unwatchable. In every hour they have about 10 minutes of content, 20 minutes of tease, and 30 minutes of commercials.

To many dang comercials is the one thing that can kill the NFL. Ever tape a NLF game then watch it fast fowarding throught the comercials and half time, it takes less then 20 minutes to watch a whole game.
I don't understand you people. I never found ESPN interesting enough to get hooked in the first place. I go to the website only if I need a score update, and then only if other sites are too slow. I turn it on to see if their may be a packer highlight after a game but there is little other need.

But congrats. Online sources (especially X4)has the info you desire.

I do need help though in quitting Angry Birds.
Mike and Mike is sports talk with training wheels.

Greenberg's continual "Look, there are far more people that have far greater knowledge on the topic of (fill in the blank) than I'll ever have and I'm not going to sit here and pretend otherwise...." is too hard to listen to.

If you've been doing a morning show for 12 years it's probably time to act like you have some knowledge on the subject.
I gave up on sport media completely when my psychopathic ex-roommate would watch ESPN for hours on end in a hypnotic state, even if they were just re-running clips from earlier, or worse yet airing that god-awful Sportsnation. All that confirmed that people who follow multiple sports with above-average intensity are simple-minded nimrods who can barely dress themselves.

Apart from the Packers, I can honestly say I could not care less about any other sports team. And it feels great!
Scott Van Pelt is another one that is annoying. He's constantly saying "Look, I get that". I don't think he adds much in the way of analysis, either.

Dan Patrick is too full of himself. His minions aren't funny, and he spends too much time yapping about "the mothership". It gets old.

Since the Packers lost, I've been listening to more music and comedy on XM. Nice change of pace.
Originally posted by RatPack:
I've been off ESPN and almost all sports shows except for games for over a year. Sarge and I are building a new life now that I'm clean. I see a long and better life together as long as my liver holds up.

If you'all truly hated ESPN you would not watch anything on it. Seems to me to be a bit hypocritical. I no longer watch anything on Lifetime and feel much better for it. Cold Turkey means cold turkey.

Get off the sauce.
I quite espn radio a looong time ago. I really like Dan Patrick - smart, funny, good sports talk. espn TV went out the door last fall, except for live sports. I just don't like the direction the entire network has gone. Starting with the Texas Tech/Craig James fiasco, how they handled Penn State etc. I don't trust them journalistically as a good source of information. So many better places to get into.

And instead of the dot com, try . It's not bad.

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