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But I can't. It was totally a team effort by the Packers to get beat today. It wasn't a good day for Rodgers, McCarthy as a play caller or Capers.

That backdoor throw that Jones never really sold opened the door. And the poor tackling, can't get off the field defense let the Colts run right through it. Anybody found Reggie Wayne yet?

What galled me as much as anything was MM's misplaced faith in Crosby. He's the type of kicker who will nail a 55 yarder with the Packers up by 28 and miss a 35 yarder near the end of the half in a close game. His stats will look good at seasons end but he just isn't a clutch kicker. He damn near blew the point blank attempt @ the Giants last year. His miss from 52 put Indy in prime field position and Green Bay was on their heels from then on. Better to have punted.
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What galled me as much as anything was MM's misplaced faith in Crosby. He's the type of kicker who will nail a 55 yarder with the Packers up by 28 and miss a 35 yarder near the end of the half in a close game. His stats will look good at seasons end but he just isn't a clutch kicker. He damn near blew the point blank attempt @ the Giants last year. His miss from 52 put Indy in prime field position and Green Bay was on their heels from then on. Better to have punted.

Remember 2008 when the Packers and Queens were both around the same record, maybe 5-5 give or take a game, and they settled for some 55 yarder game winner that Crosby promptly gagged? Packers went on to lose 5 in a row and the Vikings won the division.
Originally posted by trump:
He was playing for that 52 yarder the whole time ... he ran 2 straight plays and then the pass to Jones to get a little closer.

Well. He (McCarthy) should be good and convinced now. I don't know who screwed up to force AR to use that last time out. But Crosby's attempt was beyond pathetic. You knew he wasn't going to make it but at least get it within 20 freaking yards of the outside post in an indoor stadium. He chokes on important kicks. But if you need a 48 yarder with the game in no doubt he's your guy.
Perry's flag was inexcusable. A joke. That changed the game.

Shields PI was a joke. He got pushed. That changed the game.

Don't blame officials, but those 2 calls were just as critical as the Seattle INT/TD call. Simply because one happened in last play of game doesn't change that.
Blaming the officials is ridiculous. Sure, they made some terrible calls, but the Packers ****ed themselves in this one. There were probably a dozen points in this game where they could have put the Colts away.
Originally posted by The GBP Rules:
What galled me as much as anything was MM's misplaced faith in Crosby. He's the type of kicker who will nail a 55 yarder with the Packers up by 28 and miss a 35 yarder near the end of the half in a close game. His stats will look good at seasons end but he just isn't a clutch kicker. He damn near blew the point blank attempt @ the Giants last year. His miss from 52 put Indy in prime field position and Green Bay was on their heels from then on. Better to have punted.

Remember 2008 when the Packers and Queens were both around the same record, maybe 5-5 give or take a game, and they settled for some 55 yarder game winner that Crosby promptly gagged? Packers went on to lose 5 in a row and the Vikings won the division.
This one was a lot worse. Crosby only missed that one by a yard, he would have missed this one even if there was a second set of uprights right next to the regular ones.
I blame the offense. Up 21-3 and then they get thoroughly dominated by the Colts D. The Packers D was on the field the whole 2nd half, and the D isn't good already as is, so that was just asking for punishment. The offense was atrocious. Completely tanked in the 2nd half

This is looking like a very average team at the moment
It was pretty predictable that the Colts were going to start beating the piss out of Rodgers once they were within a single score. Saturday is washed up, and there is no way in hell that he is better than EDS.
Plenty blame to go around....MM, Capers and zebras for sure. BUT.....what has happened to this team since the KC team last yr? They look nothing like they looked for the last 5 games of 2010 and the first 15 games last yr.

What changed? Sure, they have a few key injuries and a few calls seem to go against them but it sure seems as if the wheels have fallen off. They show a bit of life here and there but these bits seem to be few abd far between.

The D cannot cover 1 guy today and the O cannot consistently block, #12 is missing passes and blaming rcvers, the special teams are nothing special.

I was hoping that after the debacle in Seattle was a wake up call but now I am leaning towards this......they just may not be very good.
Originally posted by CAPackFan95:
Perry's flag was inexcusable. A joke. That changed the game.

Shields PI was a joke. He got pushed. That changed the game.

Don't blame officials, but those 2 calls were just as critical as the Seattle INT/TD call. Simply because one happened in last play of game doesn't change that.

This was much different than the Seattle loss. And I have to disagree. The Packers lost the game on one call in Seattle. They did not lose in Indy because bad calls. They lost because of their poor play.

Luck's fumble deep and we get at least an easy fg. Victory.

Easy call interference on colts not Shields stops 7 point drive. Bigger victory.

Only consistent the last three weeks is refs raping us. Nflfu
Originally posted by Va. Packer:
This was much different than the Seattle loss. And I have to disagree. The Packers lost the game on one call in Seattle. They did not lose in Indy because bad calls. They lost because of their poor play.

Never said they lost because of bad calls. I said the poor calls today were just as critical as the one in Seattle.

The Packers played poorly in Seattle. They gave up 8 sacks. They scored no points in the first half. They ran the ball poorly. They couldn't get pressure on the QB. They allowed 100 yards rushing. They dropped passes. They did nothing to try and pressure the QB on critical drives.

Pretty much as poorly as they did against Indy. In Seattle they played one half well, and one half horribly. Just like today. There were calls in Seattle that really hurt GB. Just like today.

The officials calls I mentioned from today were critical. They weren't the last play of the game, so you choose to discount their importance
That backdoor throw that Jones never really sold opened the door.

Rodgers said the ball was tipped on that interception. He said it went from backshoulder to front shoulder when it was tipped.
I am tired of that excuse of well they had planty of opportunities and shoukd of put them away. Ok..fine, but this is the nfl, not alabama verses vanderbilt. Parity is king and bs calls can change the outcome of the game. I do blame the officials to some extent
Mike McCarthy On Nick Perry’s sack that led to a personal foul for leading with the helmet into Andrew Luck:

“After talking to Walt and seeing the replay, he calls that the crown of the helmet. He hit Andrew Luck in the chest was the call, it was communicated later that it was probably the right call.”

So do we now blame it on the phantom interference call?

The zebras cost the Packers the Seattle game. The Packers cost the Packers the Indy game. No more excuse and self-pity fests. Vent about or praise our on field play.
The refs had as much to do with the loss in Seattle that they did today.

They contributed horrible calls that changed the complexion of the game.

In both games the Packers played like garbage, and had they decided to play more than 30 minutes would have still won.
Originally posted by Goalline:
Poor Shields. He gets blown up on that hail mary pass. No call.Yet he mirrors WRs perfectly without contact and draws flags.

Last week in Green Bay, Shields was thrown to the ground in the endzone and no call.
Originally posted by Pikes Peak:
Plenty blame to go around....MM, Capers and zebras for sure. BUT.....what has happened to this team since the KC team last yr? They look nothing like they looked for the last 5 games of 2010 and the first 15 games last yr.

What changed? Sure, they have a few key injuries and a few calls seem to go against them but it sure seems as if the wheels have fallen off. They show a bit of life here and there but these bits seem to be few abd far between.

The D cannot cover 1 guy today and the O cannot consistently block, #12 is missing passes and blaming rcvers, the special teams are nothing special.

I was hoping that after the debacle in Seattle was a wake up call but now I am leaning towards this......they just may not be very good.

This team no longer has the sharp focus it had during the 2010 Super Bowl run and during the first 13 games last season. It's not just the players, it's from the head coach on down.
Originally posted by titmfatied:
Remember when football was fun?

Watch some old Jack Tatum. My oh my. He was downright reckless and dangerous, and the first head-hunter, as Darryl Stingley found out, unfortunately. Today Tatum would owe about a million bucks to the league over the course of a season. Or catch a little Ronnie Lott, Jack Ham, or...
It's not just some of the blown calls but Tramon Williams bobbled an easy INT, and they probably should have had 2 other picks and couldn't make the play. Rodgers missed Jordy Nelson on what would have been a long TD. I can probably think of a few other plays that just didn't happen.

The refs screwed GB out of a win at Seattle and that's not even debatable. As POd as I was with the Perry and Shields calls the reality is that GB didn't play well enough to win and Luck was clutch and outplayed Rodgers. As difficult as it is to say that it's true.

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