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...I would like to highlight this latest accomplishment by asking others to list their favorite Vikings' players who have never known what it's like to win the last game of the season. Mods, please move or delete if this is in any way seen as something that might detract from the wonderful Green Bay victory on February 6th, 2011.

For some reason, this guy fascinated me when I was a kid...Dave Osborne:

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(/QUOTE]I used to absolutely despise Fran around for 10 seconds and then throw a 2 yard pass that gains 10 yards. Boy it made me mad when he won that Super Bow.....oh[/QUOTE]

Glad to see Tarkenton fail as well. I used to hate how we would chase him all over the field and never quite be able to catch him before he would somehow get rid of it. I still don't know how he did it. There was nothing impressive about him but he made plays.

I'd take any of the Purple People Eaters D. Linemen on my team so those were some good players who never won that last game.

Brak...I know what you mean about Osborne. I don't remember if he was that good of a back or if he just always seemed to have good games against the Packers. I do remember that he was a really hard runner.
Last edited by smbass
Originally posted by Henry:
Tippin' Tommy Kramer!! Not even close but he was entertaining to watch.

Uncle Burnsie

And even more fun to listen to. I remember listening to one of the local sports stations interviewing him on the telephone one morning, and he was hammered. Must have been 8 AM, and he could barely get from one end of a sentence to the other. The hosts were getting more and more uncomfortable as the interview went on, and when Kramer finally hung up, there was a pause, and one of them said, "Uhh.... did that sound like an NFL quarterback?" I think that was sometime between his first and second DUI arrests.
Originally posted by JJSD:
I don't know why - that was basically a preseason game.

The building of a dome was where it turned for me. Even this past season, I viewed the Queenies in a completely different light watching them play at the U of M's stadium. You know - the way the game is supposed to be played. Fairies.

Purple People Eaters to Denknee's pussies.
I felt this article said LOSER as well as any I've seen.

Especially liked;

β€’ From the start of MLB spring training until the start of NFL training camp, within the borders of Minnesota, you are only allowed to talk about the Super Bowl championship with a Vikings fan if that fan brings it up first. The exception is during the NFL draft (and the two days before and after). During this time, it is once again acceptable to initiate a discussion about Super Bowl MVP Rodgers and the difference between where the Vikings and Packers stand at quarterback.


β€’ Phrases to avoid at all times: "How did that Brett Favre thing work out for you?" ... "You should just give up and come root for the Packers." ... and, most importantly, "I forget. How many Super Bowls have the Vikings won?"

When discussing the draft make sure to mention, 'And who do you think Belicheat will take with your pick?'
Originally posted by Tschmack:
Corey Fuller
Jeff Brady
Keith Millard
Chris Hovan

Did I miss anyone else?

Bat deuche, John Randle
Vaseline Man, Brad Culpepper
Mr Pushoff, Chris Carter
Mr Pushoff Jr, Randy Moss
Derrick Alexander - how many late hits did he have on Favre?
Chris Walsh
The Turnover Machine and his stupid roll, Daunte Culfumbler
Mr Facemasker Ed McDaniel
The Nate Poole reception is still my all-time favorite. Not only did it give Green Bay a home playoff game, it sent the Packers to Carolina the following season because the NFL schedule had the NFC North go to the NFC South based on final standing in the previous regular season. So I got to go to a Packers game all because Josh and Nate pulled off a spectacular play, and because the Vikings had a spectacular collapse!

And meet Brak.. and hang out with PackerFanFan... and overall have a GREAT time...

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