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A high ranking front office exec told me TT had taken a call from Rick Spielman 15 minutes before this presser. Rick had offered Ted a 1st and 3rd rounder for Greg Jennings. Ted wanted to do the deal but he couldn't becasue Greg is already a Viking. Ted was still reeling a bit when the presser started. 



Welcome to red herring #2 for the draft. He wants other NFL teams to see this interview and believe his brain has been compromised so when he offers them a trade deal they think they're taking advantage of him...but in reality he just powned them!  Uncle Ted is playing these fools like a fiddle!

I'm 48 and only played sports through college and I'm starting to feel the effects of that in my knees and hips.  I'll cut TT some slack since he actually played professionally.

Originally Posted by Iowacheese:

webmd has made everyone a jeenious at diagnosing health issues....including Dr. Bob and Benni....pretty sure they are not real doctors....probably podiatrists

I was in no way "diagnosing" him, but I was somewhat alarmed by the way he looked and sounded. I asked if maybe it was a stroke or something, which covers for a multitude of ailments, including head colds. But even a reporter asked him he he was "OK" medically. 

Last edited by Sep

You're taking a pounding here Sep, so I am reluctant to add my two cents, but for what it's worth, my initial reaction to the podcast of TT's presser was "Holy ****, did he have a stroke?".

That notion faded as the press conference continued, but the initial impression was stark.


FWIW-IANAD, but that's no reason to forego an irresponsible diagnosis.  I'm going with Parkinsons as my first round pick.

Last edited by antooo
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