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Originally Posted by Iowacheese:

webmd has made everyone a jeenious at diagnosing health issues....including Dr. Bob and Benni....pretty sure they are not real doctors....probably podiatrists

I was in no way "diagnosing" him, but I was somewhat alarmed by the way he looked and sounded. I asked if maybe it was a stroke or something, which covers for a multitude of ailments, including head colds. But even a reporter asked him he he was "OK" medically. 

Last edited by Sep

You're taking a pounding here Sep, so I am reluctant to add my two cents, but for what it's worth, my initial reaction to the podcast of TT's presser was "Holy ****, did he have a stroke?".

That notion faded as the press conference continued, but the initial impression was stark.


FWIW-IANAD, but that's no reason to forego an irresponsible diagnosis.  I'm going with Parkinsons as my first round pick.

Last edited by antooo
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