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If the article is accurate, his financial difficulties are the result of:

A) Bad investments made through a referral by Rosenhaus. I can't fault a guy who has what is considered one of the top agents and listens to the guy and invests his money. I wonder how many others Rosenhaus referred and how much of his own money did he lose to these guys? It seems like it has becoming an all to common occurrence for a lot of top athletes to lose a ton of their money in bad investments. I believe in personal responsibility but I am sure that their are so many hustlers targeting them that it must be overwhelming where to place their money, especially someone like TO who doesn't seem to have a close circle of trusted intelligent people to help him with his problem.

B) His problem with child support for 4 kids, none of which he had a close relationship with the mom, just is irresponsible in the extreme. They teach sex ed in like 5th grade, keep it in your pants, use protection or get snipped. Those are not difficult concepts to grasp, especially have he fathered the first kid.
So... Peter Pan has crash landed. And still he blames it on everyone else but himself. I can see him trusting his agent, but to not have some oversight of your $80 million is idiocy.

I was shaking my head over this: "I think people change, but the media, they never allowed me to change," Owens says. "They never allowed me to be a better person."

The media doesn't keep you from changing, and you don't need permission to be a better person, T.O. You just need the guts to admit you are a jerk, and then the courage to change. Oh, and you need to pay up.
Will never figure out how these guys can surround themselves with a big ole posse and somehow believe that those people are there for some reason other than leeching all of your money out of you.

Oh, it's because they are as dumb as a box of rocks.

Won't really argue with this except to point out that it isn't only athletes it happens to. For one, to none other than the late American Legend and role model John Wayne, who found himself in a very similar financial position at one point in his career. Wayne was fortunate in that he had a lot of productive life left when he found out and was able to take charge and rebuild.

I don't think T.O. has time left to do that, at least not on the field. If he would get some personal insight into what he has done and admit it he could do a George Foreman-like personal makeover and do well in the commercial endorsement arena. He certainly has name recognition and a host of YouTube moments to build on.

I always have to force myself to remember that these guys start with big money in their early 20s (even the benchwarmers are paid pretty well by non-football standards)when they are still kids; many of them get 'star' status early and live a life that tends to tell them they are special all the time. Not the healthiest ego situation, although many of them do handle it well.

Others, like T.O. need keepers.

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