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I'll continue to gripe that they should be inducted on the family scrimmage night so they can get one last ovation from all the fans. At the very least they should be introduced at some point in the night and have a chance to thank the folks that watched them play.

Gives an opportunity to put those scoreboards to good use with a career highlight package and sets the standard for what all the rookies should want their green bay career to be.
Last edited by titmfatied
I've never heard the real reason why Jacke was shipped out of town under cover of darkness. I've heard gossip about some "shady behavior" but have never heard any details.

So what's the dealio?
There are a lot of versions of the story, but the gist of it is that the Walrus ambled into a local restaurant one night and saw Jacke cozied up next to his daughter in one of the booths. Jacke had a bit of an attitude problem anyway, and I don't think Holmy really approved of him. I can't vouch for the accuracy of that story, but I heard a number of variations on it around Green Bay back in the day.
Originally posted by titmfatied:
I'll continue to gripe that they should be inducted on the family scrimmage night so they can get one last ovation from all the fans. At the very least they should be introduced at some point in the night and have a chance to thank the folks that watched them play...

Agreed, tit, it is a very nice idea.
However, how could they pop each person $135 (or more!) per ticket for that night?
It'a a wonderful award and a crying shame it can't be shared with the "avergae" fan.
Originally posted by Boris:
Right, I get it. You'd take her place instead.

While I am unsure why you would formulate an opinion on my sexual orientation from my post I am not ashamed to say that Jacke sported a pretty impressive mullet.

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