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Originally posted by CitizenDan:
Eight seasons, two Pro Bowls, fourth-most sacks in team history (since '82, anyway), great locker-room guy, great community guy....he's pretty much a lock for the GB HOF.

Originally posted by packerboi:
Majik's in the Packers HOF? Yikes. Didn't know that. Agree, one really nice year...

Ditto that, p'boi.
His "15 minutes" came at just the right time, and he was able to build a legacy from a very brief (overall) career. To this day, I'll bet the majority of fans (even Packer fans!) can't tell anyone what his name really is, when he played for the Packers, maybe even his jersey number or whatever. But nearly everyone knows who "The Majik Man" is, and a fair amount might even recall the "Replay Game".
No disrespect to Majik intended. He gave all while he could, and he sparked the fire that started our accession from perpetual suckdom. From what I know, he is a fine representative of the Packers to this day, and he did his very best to personally send Ditka into aplopexy!

This image basically sums up why he got in, and I can't say I have much of a problem with it. A player who helps the Packers break an 8 game losing streak against the Bears is basically a demigod in my book.
1989 is still my favorite Packer season.

Literally nail-biting, edge of your seat excitement all season long.

Sucks they couldn't get into the playoffs that year.

Beat the Vikings in Milwaukee (20-19 I believe) & I was at the game
There were 24 seasons between Lombardi and Holmgren, and exactly three of them were memorable for positive reasons: 1972 (division crown), 1982 (playoff win), and 1989. '89 might have been the greatest of them all, despite no playoffs. That was mostly due to #7 having a once-in-a-lifetime season, so hell yes, he belongs in the GB HOF.

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