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Reading some of the lamentations of these 2 players not currently being Packers inspired some questions.

Assuming Cook would have been re-signed by the Pack, what would your terms have been? For some kind of context, his contract was 1 yr/$2.75M/$875K guarantee. Try to keep the benefit of hindsight out of mind.
(However, for some additional contexts, he signed a 2 year/$10.6M/$5M guarantee with Oakland, and 2 year/$15M/$8M guarantee with the Saints.)

Hill is just silly. To get his athleticism for next to nothing is almost a no-brainer.
He may actually be more difficult to judge without hindsight, but any risk of keeping him at that time was negligible, IMO.

Personally, I think Cook could have been offered a 3 year/$12M/$5M guarantee contract, or something close to that. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that's commensurate with other veteran TE contracts signed then.

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EC Pack posted:

I am one of the people lamenting the loss of Cook.  Full disclosure, I thought the Bennett signing was a great rebound, until it wasn't. 

I can't remember what Bennett got, but I certainly would have offered Cook that.  If I remember correctly, they low balled Cook first before he left?

Hill I'm ambivalent on.

Bennett got 3 years, $21 million. He got a lot more than what the Raiders gave Cook (2 years, $10.5 million). TT and MM thought they were getting an upgrade since Bennett had a reputation as an elite blocker. He sucked as a blocker and a receiver in GB.

Last edited by Pack-Man

I keep on having a problem with the Cook thing. Dude had a great catch vs Dallas in playoffs, but these were his stats for the injury plagued season:




Not sure I would have paid him either based on that. He did blow up with Oakland for 2 years before really coming on this year, but fuck let’s all be GM’s and say we saw that coming.

I still blame the chicken wing fiasco for him leaving. Small town market BWW. Stuff never would have happened in NO




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Last edited by Tavis Smiley

I don’t disagree with any of the above. My point was at the time no one really thought he was the 2nd coming. Part of that was due to the Bennett signing, and part of it was due to the fact that many felt AR was responsible for his limited success in 2016. I was one, along with a lot of others, who thought β€œjust wait till he has a real quarterback throw him the ball” when he signed. I still think following the season the feeling was he underperformed in 2016 minus the Dallas playoff catch which a majority of people attribute to Rodgers throw. I guess time has shown GB effed up on this one. It wasn’t the first time they missed on a player and certainly won’t be the last. Let’s move forward. 

Last edited by Tavis Smiley

I was hoping to get more responses along the lines of what kind of contract anyone might've offered to extend or re-sign Cook as opposed to rehashing MM/TT stuff.

FWIW, I think Cook was hampered by pre-TC foot surgery, and his ankle injury following that. But he was a new man when he returned and played very well down the stretch and in the playoffs. People (like me) get excited over stuff like that, not unlike when a no-name has an outstanding TC.

I sure wouldn't have offered Bennett-type money (unless it was at least a 4 yr deal), but who knows what he was looking for? 
And there's really not a way to judge how it would've worked out in the end. 
Still, though.... it's nice to think of him and Rodgers 'peaking' together this year, among other things. 

A TE that can run just adds so much to an offense, especially vs. cover 2 defenses. IMHO, AR getting "hot" in 2016 had a lot to do with Cook coming back. TT then succeeded to whiff on Bennett & Graham, whom both had lost their burst, in addition to Bennett being a cancer. Cook still has it as evidenced by the 60 TD yesterday. That is why I'd like to see Tonyan & Sternberger get Graham's reps. 

ammo posted:

How do you know if MM wanted to keep Hill and TT insisted on cutting him? Fact is you have no fucking idea which one wanted him gone.

While it's fair to say that you can't absolutely hold one or the other accountable for letting Hill go,  it's a reasonable assumption that Mike McCarthy, at this point would have something to say about who comes and goes from the roster. But then you look at TT's 2017 draft and have to wonder if he communicated with anybody. I'm guessing that MM was doubling down on his commitment to Hundley and what he thought was a great QB room at the time, and never really looked at Hill as anything other than a traditional QB. MM was pretty content to just continue along the same path, which eventually caught up to him. I would be shocked if using Hill in any other way, other than just trying to plug him into the same plays and system they'd been using, was even on MM's radar. 

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