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of the two, Jennings. Problem is this team is so poorly run, nothing will really change. For every Larry Sanders, which is looking now like a good move, there is a Drew Gooden, which was horrible before the ink dried. The Ersan signing wasn't horrible, but it did (and won't do) anything to move the franchise forward. Ersan is a guy you sign when you have a strong core, not to be your core.

They need to trade Sammy D and Monte ASAP for the best pick options they can get. Start playing the young guys and have them take their lumps.
Ellis has the upper hand because he has a player option next year of like 12MM and I think there is a good chance he'll opt out and look for work elsewhere because he's a hired gun and somebody is going to pay the guy.

Jennings is the better choice because he's only played and known Milwaukee but it is a risk for the Bucks. He will likely command a max contract and he strikes me as a guy that once he gets the cash he may shut it down and collect and then the Bucks are screwed.
Unfortunately, I don't think either of them are capable of being the man in Milwaukee. Ellis is a short shooting guard who has no conscious. He didn't win anything in Golden State. That trade appeared to be completely lopsided but Golden State gets the last laugh. They are a much better team without him and must have known something the bucks didn't. You don't win with me first chuckers.

Jennings on the other hand is too inconsistent to be anything other than a 2nd or third option. Unfortunately, he thinks he is a number one option and wants to be paid like that. He wouldn't even start on the HEAT in front of chalmers.

The rest of the bucks are made up of mediocre players. Unfortunately, their two best bench players, Dunleavy and Beno, will be gone after the season as free agents after enough of this and the bucks will be stuck with high salaried mediocre players such as Luc, Gooden, etc etc to "build" around.

I say trade them both insisting the other team takes gooden and luc along with them if they can for a orlando like dump and completely start over, AGAIN. Its all hammond knows to do
Ford: Source says Brandon Jennings has β€œirreconcilable differences” with Milwaukee Bucks

Jennings isn’t bluffing. He recently changed agents in an attempt to get some traction on his relocation. Jennings’ marching orders for his new representation? Get him out of Milwaukee, either by the trade deadline or via a toxic offer sheet from another team this summer.

That should help his trade value
The Bucks did have a nice team in The Big Three.

Who knows? Maybe when Karl traded Allen for Payton, he laid a curse on the franchise.

As someone who is more peripheral to the Bucks, but keeps some track, this board on the Bucks is astonishing. Like the most exciting thing the NBA has to offer are thoughts of what the blow up might look like or how will we do in the lottery or who we gonna draft?

Originally posted by Music City:
Yup... I am finally on board that train.

Yeah, I wouldn't hesitate to pull the plug on either 1 of them.

IMO, We have 1 legitimate Starter after you'd trade those 2 ... Sanders at the 4 position. Dalembert is a quasi-starter at C if you limit his minutes. The rest of them should not be starting and I would never start Luc-Ric with Ilyasova.
Right now you have what you have with Sanders out ... I'd have Dalembert, Gooden if he is healthy, LR if you need defense to start or Ily if you want offense, Ellis and BJ. And I would get either Jennings or Ellis out of the game as soon as you can so you can dictate matchups at the 2-3 position, instead of everyone else dictating it. Limit the chucking and look to match defense stoppers sometimes.
I do not understand why he does not use Lamb sometimes on 2nd-5 to stop a good scorer a team might have on their 2nd team, the kid is pretty good defensively. We have been getting killed all season on these 2nd tier scorers teams have.

Once again, IMO Jimmy Boylan has been in a rut with his rotations ... we see the same ol routine for several games in a row.

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