What is it about these guys? Of course, this is totally appropriate if your name is Bob Kraft.
What is it about these guys? Of course, this is totally appropriate if your name is Bob Kraft.
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Wow, that is not a good look for Justin Tucker. I think he had a decent shot at the Hall Of Fame, this kind of thing may make voters decide to pass on him.
I'm always a skeptic, but...
I tend to believe women, in other words they are right til they are proved wrong.
But I would suggest that any male getting a massage from a female take along a witness. Especially a male with money.
Read today on PFT he was banned from 3 spa's in Baltimore a couple/few years ago. Also there's some kinda post on Reddit from like a year ago that is damaging ( I did not bother to click on the Reddit link ). Not pertinent to this accusation but it speaks to past behavior.
βAccidental exposureβ could happen, but the details, from multiple people at different times and locations, paint it as anything but. Add in the other stuff and it only gets worse, and to top it all off he chose Twitter in its current state to be his medium for defense in a situation like this.
It's 6 different women from multiple spas all saying the same thing. If it's 1or 2, it still needs to be taken seriously enough to investigate. But this many women with the same description and multiple spas banning him as a customer is way too much smoke for this to be nothing.
It does make you wonder what else McManus might have done that hasn't come out if he did what he did to the flight attendant.
Or course, even DeShaun Watson's level of deviance was put to shame by Charles Haley. He sounded like a guy that should have been locked up in a maximum security prison. At least Watson and Tucker were doing this in a semi- private setting (which was still traumatic to the others involved). Haley would do this in the middle of the locker room while talking to his teammates. But hey, he was one of the best pass rushers of all time so he could do it.
With both these clowns, neither passes the smell test and when you have a multitude of women (who do not know each other) basically stating the same thing, it's far more probable they are telling the truth vs they are not.
After he got banned from the first place, perhaps it should have occurred to him that his behavior was at the least highly inappropriate and needed to change. Or better yet, go with a dude as a massage therapist to avoid this issue. Obviously, that was not his goal.
It's also just not a good look for the league that both these ass hats are making 10's of millions of dollars and that the NFL is just pretending this problem doesn't exist. Or simply not giving a damn.
"Football is not a game for the well adjusted".
I'm emotionally scarred just reading this. Where do I go to get big $$$$$$? Deep Pockets Boris?
Just like a kicker....instead of leaving it all on the field, he left it all on the table!
Just curious, does this count as an explosive play??
@RochNyFan posted:Just curious, does this count as an explosive play??
Yes. They do often come in spurts.
@Pikes Peak posted:I tend to believe women, in other words they are right til they are proved wrong.
But I would suggest that any male getting a massage from a female take along a witness. Especially a male with money.
Exactly. The whole idea that's common for a woman to file a false report is just crap.
Yes, it happens but they are outliers compared to cases that go completely unreported or the victim sees the rapist get away with it or just a slap on the wrist.
It seems to me that there are certain trends that develop from time to time throughout the NFL (possibly/probably other sports leagues, as well) where guys want to bring sexual assault fantasies to life.
Everybody remembers players performing 'date rape' (for want of a better term) that involves drugging, then assaulting, women.
Now it seems like exposing themselves during massage (apparently wanting or encouraging other things to happen) is all the 'rage'.
And I'll never understand it as long as I live.
There are other outlets available when a man cannot absolutely control himself.
It will be up to these businesses, the teams, and the League to solve this problem, and it's high time they do.
Perhaps teams need to have their own massage staff, or they need to have "recruiting analysts" (ala' college football teams) to meet the needs of their players.
All about power or "Perceived Power" These guys will lawyer up and make the woman look like the "bad guy". Then half of the people will believe them instead of the woman. If you have enough money behind you , you can get away with anything today and come out smelling like a rose.
Or a Frangipani.
@MichiganPacker2 posted:https://www.thebaltimorebanner...6UZBZJIGXDUQVL4QG7U/
What is it about these guys? Of course, this is totally appropriate if your name is Bob Kraft.
Maybe they were expressing interest in wanting to play for the vikings? It would not surprise me, in the least!
Number of female accusers has apparently increased to ten.
@Timmy! posted:It seems to me that there are certain trends that develop from time to time throughout the NFL (possibly/probably other sports leagues, as well) where guys want to bring sexual assault fantasies to life.
Everybody remembers players performing 'date rape' (for want of a better term) that involves drugging, then assaulting, women.
Now it seems like exposing themselves during massage (apparently wanting or encouraging other things to happen) is all the 'rage'.
And I'll never understand it as long as I live.
There are other outlets available when a man cannot absolutely control himself.
It will be up to these businesses, the teams, and the League to solve this problem, and it's high time they do.
Perhaps teams need to have their own massage staff, or they need to have "recruiting analysts" (ala' college football teams) to meet the needs of their players.
I don't understand any of the thinking behind this stuff.
The Bill Cosby/Darren Sharper date rape stuff was always the worst. Those guys (especially Cosby) had access to groupy types almost everywhere they went that would have gladly spent a night with them (heck, I knew an acquitance through a family friend that would brag to HER KIDS about spending some quality time with several Chicago athletes in the early 90s). I guess they just like the power.