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In my opinon we won in large part due to his injury:

--he missed a lot of snaps in the first half. During this period, the Eagle offense didn't do jack.

--When he came back, he wasn't 100% and I think that cost them at least one touchdown. Remember that long bomb in which Vick overthrew him? I think it was a timing thing. The injury cut his speed. Had he not been injured, that's 6 points....
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That's conjecture.
If it went off of his hands like Jones' miss, then you can make that statement. While Jackson's absence did not bring a tear to my eye, I'm also not willing to say it was the reason the Eagles lost.
Jackson was running just fine it looked like to me on that 28 yard completion in the Eagles final drive. It helped the Packers that he missed some plays but he wouldn't have been out there if it was affecting him that much. Prior to the injury he had done next to nothing.
Originally posted by Henry:
This is a STFUbe quiet boys thread.

Replace Jermichael Finley with DeSean Jackson. STFU.

Then it was stupid for M3 to game plan his offense around a guy who has been out for months and is on IR. Other than Vick, Jackson is their best weapon and Hester-like on returns. Not having him on the field was a benefit to the Pack. One can come up with their own opinion on how much, but the Eagles weren't the same team with him off the field.
Originally posted by YATittle:
To me, everyone talks about Vick but Jackson is the big weapon, on special teams, too. His early departure helped us build a nice lead.


Once again....conjecture.
Once again, it's not that the Packers won the game.
It's because:
Vick's rally fell short.
Vick wasn't 100%.
Jackson got hurt.
Reid had a flawed game plan.
Reid made questionable calls during the game.
Or any other of a hundred reasons "why".
Originally posted by Timmy!:
Once again, it's not that the Packers won the game.
It's because:
Vick's rally fell short.
Vick wasn't 100%.
Jackson got hurt.
Reid had a flawed game plan.
Reid made questionable calls during the game.
Or any other of a hundred reasons "why".

You forgot Akers.
Originally posted by YATittle:
It's not the only reason we won, but it was a break we got. Just like the usually reliable Akers missing two field goals.


So what?
Originally posted by YATittle:
It's not the only reason we won, but it was a break we got. Just like the usually reliable Akers missing two field goals.

NO! It was the "key" to the game. Akers dealt with the elements just like the Packers did. The difference was the defense snuffed out Eagles drives to make them try for 3, the Packers put it in the EZ.

I guess the Eagles should have better depth like the Packers if losing one player dooms your entire season/playoff chances. Grow up.
Originally posted by YATittle:
It's not the only reason we won, but it was a break we got. Just like the usually reliable Akers missing two field goals.

Sure it was a break, like the break the Eagles got not being down 21-3 at the half.
It was big that DJax didn't play the whole game. We played well, but will need to play alot better to win this week. I thought the "key" to the game was the missed 30 yarder missed FG. If he hits that, potentially the Eagles kick a FG to win the game.
Originally posted by PackerRuss:
I thought the "key" to the game was the missed 30 yarder missed FG.

I thought the key was the drop by Jones. He catches that and it's 21-3 and Akers' misses don't matter.
Agreed! If Jones catches that ball, it could have been a laugher. I think there were about 5 big plays in the game. The defensive stop on the 2 point conversion, being another one.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
Originally posted by Benzene:
Yet again, whenever I turned the channel the Packers started playing better.

I think I was the key to the game.

Clearly I was the key to the game....

A.) I watched the first half with my mom at her house
B.) Had to drive home and wanted to get back (2 hour drive) fairly early so I left at half-time
C.) Turned the radio on and started to listen to the game...listened to the first 5 plays of the second half...fumble, TD Eagles.
D.) Listened to the first two plays of the next Packer drive...3rd and 5 coming up. Thinking I would be having road rage if the Packers didn't convert and for the safety of all on the road I turned the radio off for the next play.
E.) Couldn't resist and after 5 second turned it back on in time to hear "And Driver is pushed back but his forward progress will give the Packers a first down"
F.) Listened to the next two plays and when it was 3rd and 10 I turned the radio off again.
G.) 5 seconds later I turned it back on in time to hear "hits Driver for the first down.
H.) At that point I decided (since I had the game DVRing at my house) to do all of Packerdom a favor and not listen anymore on the car ride home.
I.) At 6:30 as I was pulling off the freeway, I decided to turn the radio back on to see what the score was and I heard Rodgers get sacked on thrid and 9 to force the Packers to punt the ball back to the Eagles after the two minute warning. I quickly turned off the radio.
J.) When I got home I ran into the house to join my son in watching the game and came into the room as Vick threw the interception to Williams.
K.) You are all welcome.
YA normally I agree with your posts but this one I have to disagree with.

DeSean Jackson is a classic boom/bust player and I'm sure he was milking that injury a bit.

Don't you think that if GB really needed to score 31 points or so they could have or would have? By the time Jackson scored the screen TD theyreally had not been stopped once. Sure they probably got too conservative for my liking at the end but they only threw 1 pass in the 4th quarter. Had they needed to throw more I'm confident they could have put up at least another TD or more.
Dumbest thread on the board this morning. The 'keys' to the game were the GB defense overall, Rodgers being on the money, the OL playing really damn well and Starks. This boo-boo that kept this little punk out for all of a portion of the game isn't even on the radar.
clearly the key to the game was MM not using Crabtree in pressure or goal line situations all year so the Eagles were clearly not concerned with covering him.

McCarthy throws Crabby a bone earlier in the season and the Eagles might have been prepared for that play.

Long term, next level coaching from Mike won the game.

1)Topic subject matter is of a type that will naturally put a bug up people's behinds for the simple reason that we are Packer fans and we want to credit the Packers for the win.

2)And so it is natural to retaliate. Necessary? No. And better people would not bother.

3)Topic is of a nature that will incite the wrath of "certain people" and so we will get to see "Shut the F&^K Up" and of course this is somehow considered legitimate, when in actuality it is simply immature BS.

And it really frigging makes me want to puke.

Here is how I would have handled the topic.

"Dude! It was a close game. A ton of factors could have swayed the contest one way or the other. Let's credit our team for winning a huge game and not take away from that."

But, no. Some perversely legitimized "Shut the F&^K up" that in my opinion is a far greater "sin" then the topic itself.
Originally posted by phaedrus:

"Dude! It was a close game. A ton of factors could have swayed the contest one way or the other. Let's credit our team for winning a huge game and not take away from that."

Then why didn't you say that and leave the self-righteous BS at home.

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