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.............  After Martin left the team near the end of October, Incognito repeatedly texted martin asking him to call him and if he was okay. Martin finally responded to Incognito on November 1, “Wassup man? The world’s gone crazy lol I’m good tho congrats on the win.”

Incognito responded to Martin, “Thanks dude. It’s unbelievable all the attention this is getting. All that’s important is that you feel better and know we miss u dude.” Martin replied, “Yeah I’m good man. It’s insane bro but just know I don’t blame you guys at all its just the culture around football and the locker room got to me a little. Btw…never check yourself into a mental hospital.”

Incognito replied, “I hear ya It’s a lot to take in I’ve checked myself in before I had to threaten to beat everyone up for them to let me out. Not fun.” Martin wrote back, “Yeah bro it was the worst. I almost snapped and started breaking s***.”

The conversation on November 1 continued with Incognito writing back, “Hahahahah That’s exactly what I was feeling. The brain is a tricky thing My brain has been to far out places and back.” Martin replied, “yeah man. How you feeling? Heard you got hurt.”

A little later in the day, Incognito texted Martin a picture of an article from titled, “Sources: NFLPA Eyes Martin Case.” Incognito followed that up with, “What’s up with this?”

Martin replied, “I got nothing to do with it man I haven’t said anything to anyone.”

Incognito replied, “I heard it’s all coming Ur agent?” Martin didn’t reply back to Incognito.

On November 2, Incognito wrote to Martin saying, “I need you buddy I’m getting killed in the media.” The next day Incognito again pleaded with Martin, “Bro can we talk? The dolphins are talking about releasing me”

Martin didn’t respond in the transcripts given to CBS4 by Incognito’s attorney.


Don't know how I feel about this now......kinda jumped to conclusions prior, and now......puts quite a different slant on things.    


Incognito's attorney reveals texts


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Because Martin would not go to his HC, because of these relatively friendly tweets, and because of Martin's apparent thin skin, I think he is out of football. 


Incognito may be back, but not sure with who.  His off the field indiscretions - which are many - and not to mention the games he might have caused teams he played for with his untimely penalties - may cause a lot of teams to back away.  But no worries, if IR wins in court he will be set for life. 

The Wells report is out, and things don't look good for Incognito, Jerry or Pouncey.


Not  good time for Pouncey who was also served a grand jury subpoena in the Aaron Hernandez case late last year.

Last edited by Herschel

I truly hope this isn't a window into how all NFL football teams operate.

I read the first half of the long report - my gawd, do these guys ever grow up?

sadly, I think not.

lastly, Incognito is just pure dirt.  The insults and taunts he threw around on a daily basis would be the kind I would use if I definitely wanted to start a fight or worse.

Originally Posted by Herschel:

The Wells report is out, and things don't look good for Incognito, Jerry or Pouncey.


Not  good time for Pouncey who was also served a grand jury subpoena in the Aaron Hernandez case late last year.

Clearly he is a thug...Just like Ingognito.

Originally Posted by Hungry5:

link to the report


"The opinions set forth in the report are those of Paul, Weiss, and no representative of the NFL, the NFLPA, the Dolphins or any player drafted, reviewed or edited the report."

I shudder to think of the bill that Paul, Weiss submitted.

10 friggen' lawyers...


And I don't know they could've made it any more biased against Incognito. Perhaps he 'deserves' it, but for what should've been a neutral investigation, it was anything but.

How can you say that? That is almost racist. The report is what it is. They found what they found. I doubt the NFL or the Dolphins or Martin or Player A or the Assistant Trainer told them to write what they did. And I think Pouncy is a thug too.

Wasn't he kicked out of Oregon and Nebraska.  Rams didn't want him back.  Sexual assault at a charity golf event.  Voted dirtiest player in the NFL.  Smoke, fire, piece of ****.  He lost all rights to a neutral investigation long ago.

Originally Posted by ammo:

 I doubt the NFL or the Dolphins or Martin or Player A or the Assistant Trainer told them to write what they did. And I think Pouncy is a thug too.

Absollutely. I didn't read the report, but was there anything about what the owner knew?  I'd imagine a law firm is hired and from the get go they know it's in their best interests to keep anything about the owner out of the report and keep the franchise as clean as possible.  

Originally Posted by ammo:

How can you say that?

First friggin' page, second paragraph:


"Within days, the press began to report that this 6-foot 5-inch, 312-pound, Stanford-educated, two-time All-American offensive lineman had left the team because some of his teammates had subjected him to persistent bullying, harassment and ridicule."


Instead of just saying Martin left the team, they had to use that description? The implication is clear and it wasn't necessary.


From page 2:


"According to our consulting expert, a psychologist who focuses on matters of workplace conduct, such a reaction is consistent with the behavior of a victim of abusive treatment."


This may or may not be, but I doubt it's the appropriate place to introduce that in the report. And I'm assuming this particular law firm hired this doctor, and they want him to render an opinion without actually interviewing Martin? Doesn't strike me as neutral at all.


I'm not defending Incognito, but the minute I read the law firm's disclaimer about their opinions, I knew it wasn't a "neutral" investigation/report. Their opinions weren't necessary, but are allowed to be included? That stinks all the way to Hell.




Originally Posted by titmfatied:
Originally Posted by ammo:

 I doubt the NFL or the Dolphins or Martin or Player A or the Assistant Trainer told them to write what they did. And I think Pouncy is a thug too.

Absollutely. I didn't read the report, but was there anything about what the owner knew?  


The report stated the owner & coach Philbin had no knowledge of the bullying. However, O-Line coach Turner was aware of it & in fact participated in the bullying. 


1 instance was all O Linemen received a "gift" of a female blowup doll. "Player A" received a blow doll too, however it was a MALE blow-up doll.


When asked about the incident Coach Turner stated "I don't remember." However, many of the players did remember.


Even though it isn't physical, the mental abuse is appalling. It's the length of time & the constant teasing or hazing if you will. The "kangaroo court" is disgusting.


I'm glad TJ Lang tweeted "Not all locker rooms are like that"

Last edited by Boris

I think sometimes you are such a ****ty human being that any account seems biased because you are such a ****ty human being.  I know nothing of Martin, and it really doesn't matter.  Incognito has completely and totally earned all the **** he is getting in the media and whatever opinions get expressed in this report. 

It's also not biased.  Sometimes there are so many facts that are stacked against you that it seems biased.  That's not the case here.  Agree with the biscuit-maker - this guy is an all-time POS.  


If there was any bias, then one would think that the NFL would try to minimize all of this to make it go away as quickly as possible a la Spygate.  

There is no such thing as an unbiased opinion, but I pray that the number of people who think Incognito is a scum of a bitch far outnumbers those with the opinion that his behavior is no big deal.

Originally Posted by Timmy!:
Originally Posted by ammo:

How can you say that?

First friggin' page, second paragraph:


I'm not defending Incognito, but the minute I read the law firm's disclaimer about their opinions, I knew it wasn't a "neutral" investigation/report. Their opinions weren't necessary, but are allowed to be included? That stinks all the way to Hell.




You are wrong here, but I guess we'll just agree to disagree. I guess you won't be "liking" many of my posts from now on.

Originally Posted by ammo:

You are wrong here, but I guess we'll just agree to disagree. I guess you won't be "liking" many of my posts from now on.

Nah, I don't have any problem with you, ammo. You're good people, and you have the right to express your opinions freely.

If you would rather me not 'like' any of your future posts, I'll oblige you; it's just something to have some fun with, and even most posters come up with good ones on occasion.

Goodbye twitter. Be well See you on the other side



The shortest I'm leaving ever...


From yesterday. I'm guessing his agent wants another 3%.


What's up TWITTER Happy Monday



I apologize for acting like a big baby the last few days. This has all been so much on me and my family. I just want to play football



I want everyone to know I'm in good spirits and looking forward to playing again one day



I would like to send Jonathan my apologies as well. Until someone tells me different you are still my brother. No hard feelings



There are no winners in the courts. Just families left to deal with their decisions and pick up the pieces. You can't free something



I would like to also apologize to Mr. Ross and Mr. Wells. sh!t got cray cray



I would also like to take the time and thank my boss BEST JOB IN THE WORLD.



Shout out


Last edited by H5

The Twitterings of Delusion

by Richie "Victim" Incognito


the guy really needs to put twitter down and deal with the people involved face to face.  grow the f*ck up.


he's got the cray cray alright and sure sounds like it's roid induced.

Last edited by Tdog

This crap may be the best thing to happen to Mike Sam. After the NFL comes down on the idiots involved in this case other players will be less likely to go after Sam for his "lifestyle choices".

Incognito's "apologies" (an adult would at least call Martin) are just a way of him trying to get back into the NFL. "Brother"? Riiigghhht, cuz your brother always says those types of things about your sister and mother.


Right now Incognito's radioactive and I'm not sure who would take him. If a team did, what a risk to your locker room and to many in your fan base. Incognito IS the definition of "cray cray" despite his mea culpas. 

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