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Interesting article.  Sounds like the loss of his childhood home in Hurricane Katrina was devastating, and understandably so.  But it sounds like he's never gotten through the hurt, and that football has never been really fun for him since.

Does he, or CAN he regain, the passion for the game to succeed?  or do you have concerns about him?  There's no question about his physical skills.  It's just his

commitment and passion that may be in question.

I hope and pray for this young man.  I can only imagine what he's been through, and I want him to be the best he can be, but that's going to be up to him.

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how many JS readers had to google "torpid?"


I can't help but imagine Green Bay is a good stop for him.  Glad he acknowledges that something isn't "right."  If the culture is what I think it is, then I hope he can get the support and help he needs to find pleasure in things again, besides bacon. 

Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong

Clearly it was a significant emotional event that changed him that he somehow cant get over. Not an expert, whether it is based on depression or other factors there is professional help available for him to come to grips with it.


After reading that article this morning I understand better why he lasted in the draft as far as he did. And am a bit concerned about the lack of working out and film study. Up to 238 lbs and mom has to hound him to get running this summer. It's a Not For Long league if you cant stay in top condition and just rely on showing up to do your thing.


Then again, maybe Dunne was making the issue seem bigger than it really is to sensationalize the article a bit.


Either way only the future will reveal how well Lacy does in his pro career. I'm pulling for him to succeed,

Kid has a lot of natural ability &  love his spin move, however has everyone has already posted, does he have the drive to make it in the NFL. Sounds like he still may be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome from 'Katrina"? 

Reading that article was a little concerning on more than one level.


From a pure football perspective, I am more than a little concerned about what appears to be a lack of dedication toward the game.  Based on that article, it certainly does not sound like football is the center of Lacy's life.  From my purely selfish perspective as a fan of the Packers, that scares me.  Assuming the article is reasonably accurate as far as how Lacy comes across, I can see why he fell in the draft.  I remember reading some post draft comments from scouts saying Lacy was a different sort of guy, but nothing like what was portrayed by Dunne.


Leaving football out of the equation, there have to be some concerns about Lacy's state of mind.  It sure sounds like that kid is struggling to cope with life in general.  If this was written by McGinn I'd take a lot of it with a grain of salt, by Dunne has never come across to me as a journalist who tries to make something out of nothing.

Ted doesn't select guys that don't love the game, unless he felt the talent out-weighed the overall selection number, I guess.


There's a reason he dropped to #61. There is also a reason teams like the Steelers & Broncos are explaining why they passed on him.


For those 2 teams, Lacy wasn't worth the draft position. For Ted Thompson, Lacy was worth it. Guess we'll find out who was right & who was wrong real fast. Rookie RB's can & do come into the league & play well right away. This won't be a "3-year experiment". Lacy is either going to take-off Or be another flame out. He has been given every chance to succeed in Green Bay especially with Rodgers in the backfield & the opposing defense not respecting the running game at all.


FYI, I love cartoons too

He sure looked unmotivated against Notre Dame in a pretty important game 


Not sure what to think at this point.  If there is one constant with Thompson it's that he's always looking for "football players"


Also agree with Boris.  RBs usually show something right away - good or bad 

Seems like an odd bird, a bit of  a head case. It doesn't mean a thing, though.  Before I develop an opinion on him I'd like to see him play.  I think we need to separate the actions on the field vs. his ability (or inability) to interact with reporters, others on a social level.

It's true enough that talent should be the biggest factor in whether Lacy is productive at the NFL level, and Lacy does have talent.


Barry Sanders had a well documented lack of passion for the game of football.  Didn't stop him from being one of the greatest RB's the game has ever seen.


No, I'm not saying Lacy will be the next Barry Sanders.  I'd be perfectly happy with the next Jerrome Bettis.

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

using the "reply" feature and "reply with quote" feature still eludes you though

...while I do have some weaknesses, reading comprehension isn't one of them...from the article  "Steak is a welcomed change of pace. In Green Bay, Lacy admitted, he's been splurging too much on fast food. During off-season practices, he weighed in at 238 pounds, a high number that, believe it or not, might be kind"

Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong

238 pound RB's can take a pounding. That's a good thing.


I read that as he used to eat fast food but is eating better now.


Perhaps my reading comprehension is poor

"When asked if playing at 238 pounds would be a detriment, Van Pelt said that 'whatever the weight staff and (head coach Mike McCarthy) think his weight should be, that's what we'll get him to.' Through these pad-less practices, he doesn't believe the extra weight has dulled Lacy's game. The coach cited one individual drill on Tuesday in which Lacy 'showed his ability at that weight to have great feet and speed.' "

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

nope, the thing to take away from that article is we should be concerned about his fast food consumption. 

for a skill position player who looks like he could have a problem with weight, yes.  

Dude.  He's not Jabba the Hut, yet.  Be present.  He hasn't won a job or even competed for it yet.  At every level of achievement different levels of challenges arise.  He can't communicate well  and he doesn't need to where is currently at.  Frankly, he has even made the 2013 roster photo yet.  Let it play out a bit before we escalate.

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

I'm concerned about his eyesight, since he said he likes to play video games


Just as long as he's not wanting to get a Red Ryder BB gun.

Or doing like Jack in "Cookoo's Nest".....


I have serious doubts TT would've drafted Lacy if there was any concerns about his dedication, motivation, and/or state of mind.

He's off to a great start financially, and what better motivator than money? Being even more successful could allow him to "rebuild" himself and his family any way he wants.


Originally Posted by Tschmack:

He sure looked unmotivated against Notre Dame in a pretty important game 


Wasn't he the MVP of that game. If that is unmotivated then god help defenses when he's motivated!

Sounds like a guy who the sooner he gets to GB, the better. Get him into the GBP "family." I doubt TT would draft someone who doesn't love the game, but all GMs can take "a-swing-and-a-miss" despite our not wanting them to. Some of these kids just need to find their way and that can come with maturity, too. (I wish Finlay would hurry up.) And like several of you have pointed out, not all guys have to be all-sports, all-time to be successful. Joakim Noah comes to mind in the NBA, Sanders in the NFL, etc. 

As was said earlier, hard to draw conclusions at this stage. But he does sound like someone dealing with depression, which can be very disabling. Sounds like he' s dealing with it on his own. I would recommend doubling up on the cartoons. Maybe some Sponge Bob. That always does it for me. Take it easy on the Family Guy type stuff, it can be weird, taxes the mind if you think too hard on it. Try some old episodes of "The Tick". 

I will reserve any and all judgment of a rook until I see him run in an actual game between the tackles.  At this point, don't care where he came from, what his demons are, or what he puts on his steak.

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